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Everything posted by BoD

  1. It depends on whether or not you are sitting underneath it.
  2. Well, that's me done for a fortnight. The carpet layers finish on Monday and once we have given everything a deep clean and hung curtains and lampshades I can turn my mind back to modelling again. Don't think it will happen this holiday though.
  3. Looking at the weather forecast it could be Lake Superior.
  4. So I've broken into the grandbairn's piggy banks for nothing then.
  5. Morning all I'm just back from dropping Mrs Bod at work too. Thankfully this is the only one she's down to start so early. Who on earth wants to shop at this time of a morning? Christmas or not.
  6. I think we would make a good subject for someones PhD.
  7. .... and just in case we don't see you again this side of the day, Don, Merry Christmas to you too.
  8. I bet Debs is relieved. Whatever it is DD, I hope it offers the least 'grimness' that it can.
  9. I was going to say that it will be a close run thing as to which will actually appear first ....... ....... but then again the J15 might only be delayed a couple of years.
  10. It is my year group's assembly tomorrow morning so I will hear more of his 'adventures' then. One of the big attractions for the pupils will be that he is bringing his racing bikes along. Sadly I don't think he will be bringing the models that also appear on his calendar. He left school in 2008 and carved out this career for himself. He really is passionate about talking to the local 'yoofs' about motorbike safety and does a lot of good work in the community to do with this. I know this will be an anathema to some here but I have only ridden as a passenger on a bike once, one of those Kawasaki Z? 1200cc jobbies, and I think it's owner tried to show me what it could do. It scared me witless. Edit: to correct iPad's attempts at correcting me.
  11. One of our former pupils will be coming back to do assemblies this week. He will be talking about his career and about road safety, particularly safety on motor bikes. Here he is doing his day job.
  12. I'm not sure whether I should give you funny, like, agree, informative or a bromide tablet.
  13. Elves don't carry cameras.
  14. I think I will start my next meeting with that, adding ..... ...... That scr**ed your bingo game didn't it?
  15. I believe it's heard a lot in the English cricket team's dressing room too.
  16. Geordie went to the doctors with a bad back and the doctor asks "Can you walk" "Walk!!" exclaims Geordie "Ah canna even wark nivvor mind walk"
  17. A quick word of advice if you don't mind........ ..... if you ever get invited to the Newcastle exhibition take off the pigeon Cree. Seriously though, will the crees eventually be in some form of allotment gardens?
  18. Have a safe journey and enjoyable break, Trev.
  19. Earlier on this morning it was 09:10:11:12:13 I'm lloking forward to another batch of posts like this in about ninety years time.
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