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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Oops. I think all these Fridays and Saturdays have addled my brain. Or perhaps it's the turkey...... or chocolate ...... or port.
  2. Yeah, you eat cheese with malt whisky.
  3. It's all very confusing. We always seem to get five weekends in a fortnight at this time of year. Except for every five or six years or so when we just get longer weekends. See what I mean - confusing
  4. The affects of sprouts do take a while to wear off don't they.
  5. I've have been feeling rather guilty about just this thing. I was watching pictures of the most recent flooding with all of the associated trauma for the individuals involved. Why the guilt then? I can't readily articulate what I was actually thinking but I'm sure it was along the lines of "Oh - its just another one of those floods - seen it all before haven't we". I was quickly able to change my chain of thought but I was both amazed and horrified as to just how quickly I had become desensitized simply because we have had a few floods over recent weeks and months. I can only say how thankful I am not to be affected.
  6. It would probably be better by currier.
  7. Morning all Heavy frost outside this morning. Anyone care for a turkey sandwich.
  8. Sorry, got to disagree there Gruff. A malt is to be savoured and it's finer qualities appreciated without any conflicting distractions. The only thing to complement a malt is a second glass of malt. Edit: An unusual combination I was introduced to not too long ago was Christmas cake and a mature cheddar. Try it if you have never done so.
  9. A slightly belated merry Christmas to all. Spent a very pleasant day at my daughter's place, with her, her fiancé and his parents. A superb lunch was followed by a most enjoyable afternoon. It was their first Christmas in their new home and they were so nervous that everything should be just right - and it was. Back home now and can't decide between the grape and the grain. I think a cheeseboard with the port might win out tonight.
  10. Oh, pelvis. At first glance.............
  11. Mrs Bod was at work yesterday until 10pm and today 7am till 5pm. The joys of working in retail. Still someone has to work toward my retirement fund. The house is now ours again although getting all the 'fluff' and cuttings up from the new carpets is an absolute pain. I think I've shifted every piece of furniture and hoovered every square inch at least three times - and still new fluff appears. Of course I'm not allowed to eat in my favourite armchair anymore. For the first time in months we are not going to have, or be waiting for, 'the workmen'. Except for one more important one tomorrow night that is.
  12. For goodness sake don't go trying to control it (or even for a swim for that matter) whilst it is in spate!!!
  13. If the plural of mouse is mice and louse lice, why isn't the plural of house hice?
  14. Yes, at one time it seemed everyone had a pair in their pockets.
  15. Good grief, I remember that game from years ago. We used to make the two pieces from a cut up pencil You had to use a hexagonal one though, the round ones didn't work. Morning all.
  16. I found that it was an exponential rather than linear increase.
  17. I usually find that the queues to park at supermarkets are caused by people looking to park as close to the entrance as possible. I'm sure that if some of them had their way, they would drive up and down the aisles. ......and as for those who create chaos for others by parking on double yellow lines outside the local newsagent instead of parking just off the main road, simply to save themselves a few seconds and a 40yd walk, don't get me started.
  18. I was looking on the RAC traffic site when it asked if it could use my location. I selected the 'allow this once' option and it tells me I live on Prince Albert's Walk in the grounds of Windsor Castle. So, as Messrs Gilbert and Sullivan would put it ..... Bow, bow, ye lower middle classes....... Edit - I had elevated Albert from Prince to Saint
  19. That's not much of a challenge. There's only nine days to go.
  20. So we were right. You are one of Santa's elves.
  21. ......... exactly. Couldn't have put it better meself.
  22. ......... exactly. Couldn't have put it better meself.
  23. Well that's the Christmas consumables shop done. Wasn't too painful. Had to stock up......... ..........the shops are closed for a whole day don't you know,
  24. We are all pleased about that. Until now all we could do was sit and imagine your frontage.
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