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Everything posted by BoD

  1. This morning started dark, it stayed dark throughout the day and now it's getting dark again. Just thought I'd let you know.
  2. You didn't pick your own mushrooms did you?
  3. Happy new year. I wish you everything that you wish for yourselves. Lang may yer lums reek.
  4. I've had to clean the cleaner before I can start the cleaning. Is anyone else experiencing strange behaviour when replying to posts - different size text, underscore on or bullet points selected by default?
  5. Avoid the Leylandii section
  6. ...... and so say all of us. There are a few who will be glad to see the back of this year and I'm sure we all join together in wishing them a happier 2014.
  7. Morning all As my dad used to tell me - there's a man at the door with the same number of noses as there are days in this year. Bet you haven't heard that one before. Have a good time whatever you are doing.
  8. Yes and no. There are a series of templates (all to actual track geometries) that you can use but these are also infinitely variable too and can be made to 'flow' into one another if you so desire.
  9. Sharp curves have never unduly bothered me ....
  10. You must be very even tempered Tony.
  11. If it's windfall Tony can claim it as his own.
  12. It is definitely more about handbuilt trackwork although I know Martin did some templates for peco points in HO/OO. For peco points and flexitrack you would be better off with AnyRail or Xtrackcad - although I suspect you are probably aware of those anyway.
  13. Agreed, without the commas this makes no sense whatsoever... Buffalo buffalo, Buffalo buffalo buffalo, buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
  14. Not sure what you mean by half way house but you can set any minimum curve you want. There are a wide range of scales and gauges available, even 16.5. Its not too difficult to get the hang of, although I must admit that each time I use it I have to refresh my memory of the important skills/ actions. This is probably the nature of the beast, it is the sort of program you use very infrequently anyway.
  15. Morning all Still brewed, coffee dark.
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    And not being able to take a hint has re-listed it at the same price.
  17. Thanks Gordon. The damaged disc situation has been resolved - a new SSD for operating system and a new HDD for work files etc. If the required files aren't on my external HDD I might have to resort to trying to salvage stuff from the damaged drive. Either that or a fresh start. I'm beginning to fancy a West Highland passing station - something to give me a roundy-roundy but not too complicated. Crianlarich is looking good as it would include a bit shunting. It would be nice if I could incorporate some of the trackwork already constructed. Have you any experience in changing layouts in mid flow Gordon?
  18. Lovely, lovely track work there Gordon. Thanks for the suggestions for finding my files. It seems so long since I used them. I remember moving the Box files outside of the Templot folder to make backup easier and then I must have forgotten to include that folder in the backup schedule. D'oh I have one last hope - that I copied them on to the external drive that lives with my daughter.
  19. S0d it. I have just discovered that in my recent computer crash I have lost all my layout designs done on templot. Whilst I have backups of backups of everything else they don't appear to have backed up. How the ******* has that happened. The import of that loss will be clear to some. This hasn't helped get them back but I feel a bit better for the outburst. Sorry.
  20. I'm surprised the choir didn't start Yoda lling
  21. I think he might have bridled at being saddled with a bit part. Morning all.
  22. You heard it from the horse's mouth.
  23. Are you speaking from experience?
  24. It's not as bad as Joe Kinnear who has of course managed Real ....... and Barcelona....... and England ......... and .........
  25. BoD

    EBay madness

    Yet looking how often examples appear here (and actually sell) he appears to have carved out quite a nice little market for himself.
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