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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Perhaps it's all keyed up Or it might be depressed. Maybe it's just popped out for a tab. I know, I know, I'll shut up.
  2. I was more feeling sorry for us if we had to meet Man. C. in the final. I can't imagine us beating them 1-0 (again).
  3. I think we might just let Man. Utd. win the second leg.
  4. Was wondering about you DD. Wishing you the best (or least worst) too.
  5. BoD

    EBay madness

    Ah, but this one has both bogies.
  6. BoD

    EBay madness

    ....... And didn't you realise it's got a mass of highly specked detail?
  7. Did she have any particular reason for wanting you to know this?
  8. At least that's what you tell us.
  9. What I can't understand is that everyone is talking about Ashers whitewash. Has she had her wall rebuilt? And why has it made the national papers?
  10. I agree, he's gone downhill ever since he grew a beard.
  11. I wasn't particularly having a go at Allardyce or West Ham It was just that, for me, the sight of that poor laddie breaking his heart, put obscene weekly pay, diving, whinging about refs, number of games played, it being too cold, too hot, etc, etc,* into perspective. *delete as appropriate.
  12. I am watching the Forest v West Ham game anf Forest have just gone 3 up. That (to me) is immaterial. It was the sight of a young Hammers fan breaking his heart over it that got to me. Every manager who complains that the cup isn't important or every Prima Donna player who complains about their contract or having to play too often should have that image pinned somewhere where they can see it every minute of every day.
  13. I'm sure Boris will have a suitable caption.
  14. Sadly, in some ways, gaining a champions' league place is seen as winning something these days.
  15. I have just discovered that, because I now wear hearing aids, I can't do woodworking any more. There is no longer room for a pencil behind my ear.
  16. Morning all Perfectly still here but a full eight oktas. Sky is a totally featureless grey. Hopefully this weekend will see the final bits of snagging/cleaning after the alteration work and I can finally turn my mind to modelling and other things. I expect the new term might get in the way though.
  17. ...... and knowing you, you will be out there trying to help. Take care!!
  18. Shortliner has gone all Paw Broon on us.
  19. Gosh, the whole thing is frightening, from the wind and rain to the flooding to the snow in NE USA. One report shows the water from firefighters' hoses freezing as soon as it touches anything. I do hope that all are safe, whether they be up Welsh mountains, near coasts or rivers, on rocks in the sea or facing Australian fast bowler Michael Johnson.
  20. Harlequins? I saw them when they played us (Newcastle). They were good, as their march up the table shows. Northampton are having a good season too. I'm just happy that we are holding our own back in the premiership and can start, hopefully, building on that. Pete: once dressed I wouldn't take too much fluid on board if I were you.
  21. Seems that Ms. Leylandii gets off somewhat lightly at the end of the day and it is you and Aditi who have suffered. Is there no way you can claim for stress, inconvenience or something along those lines.
  22. Does that mean you would expect them to more coy at this time of year?
  23. I always thought it was Selsey BiL
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