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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Rant mode on I'm just watching breakfast news and there's an article on about an 'installation' about gardening and fashion. It seems to consist mostly of someone hanging flowers upside down. News? I bet I'm paying for it too! Morning all
  2. A world full of yodelling cockroaches?
  3. Yes. But I won't go into any detail here lest I offend any sensitivities.
  4. To add to the photos to cheer people up - especially those trying to lose weight. * * It has been known for people to call me an 'absolute sod' before now so do feel free to keep up the tradition.
  5. I don't follow ERs or have the email alert option turned on either. I just pop back regularly as I know there will always be new and interesting drivel.
  6. Definitely not a Chelsea fan - but you are right it was an impressive, tactically astute, performance. Enjoyable game to watch.
  7. Gordon: Did you opt for the cheeseburger or the ............ I have just spent an evening playing with the Rocrail computer train control software. Thoroughly enjoyed it - I'm well and truly hooked.
  8. BoD

    EBay madness

    One would hope that they were M.I.B. and not code 3
  9. We can only assume that he must have a very sensitive ponytail.
  10. I would suggest running fibre cables to cruise ships but they might get tangled as the ships crisscrossed the oceans blue. I don't know why I was never head hunted for system design.
  11. Oh how I hope that Alan Shearer is on MOTD tonight.
  12. I read somewhere that the drainage rhynes (I believe that is how they are known) in the Somerset levels were not dredged as the policy was to let them return to nature in the hope of attracting voles or newts or whatever the current flavour of the week is. I think the clue is in the words drainage rhynes. Larger picture again?
  13. BoD

    EBay madness

    Professionally weathered too.
  14. As it's ESE of DD you will have to turn through 180 degrees to see it.
  15. Venus and Saturn are both in that area at the moment, although Saturn is further South. As it was noticeably bright it sounds more like Venus. I was impressed by it as I walked round for the papers.
  16. The way things are going don't be surprised if you need your thermals for June, July and August too.
  17. Morning all Beautiful blue sunny skies here in NE England. It' s starting to feel really warm too.
  18. Morning all Chilly but dry this morning. Here on the NE coast we have been relatively well sheltered and have missed the worst of the West winds and rains of the last few weeks/months. Once the wind turns to the East though, we don't half feel it. Or maybe I'm just getting old.
  19. Wasn't he last year's X factor winner? Didn't think his singing was that bad.
  20. IF NAME = "Pete" THEN GOTO sleep ELSE GOSUB discuss
  21. I commented a couple of weeks ago on how the papers were reporting it like the end of the world. Now you tell me national TV News? Unbelievable.
  22. Why don't you buy a proper bed like everybody else?
  23. "Will you be my Dwynwen?" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
  24. It was sunny for an hour or so this morning. But now ........... It's just as we'll you didn't then ..... the poor girl would have been really embarrassed.
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