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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Double like and triple agree buttons hit with that. Don’t know about you but whenever I have dilation it is, without fail, a cloudless, bright, sunny day. So much so that it can be quite painful and uncomfortable until I get home and can hide in a dark corner.
  2. Are you referring to the bikes, the riders or both. If the riders then surely it must be a triumph of riders.
  3. Can you pinpoint precisely what is buzzing?
  4. He did indeed. I don't think he invited Sam to be on his team though.
  5. I have never been able to work out our press's (particularly the Beeb's) obsession with news from the USA. Don't we have enough of our own? Does the rest of the world not exist?
  6. Just be thankful then that you aren't seeing Physio the rapist.
  7. A few years ago the then minister and now Lord Adonis went on a rail fact finding tour using an all line rover. After him saying publicly what good value for money it was, the price was hiked up considerably.
  8. The lines going off to the left have got the perspective all wrong too,
  9. Because they won’t let me in anywhere else.
  10. Bills always arrive at the end of the month.
  11. I’m halfway through what must be close to my least favourite of tasks, cleaning the oven and then the hob. Oven door came straight off this morning and things holding inner glass in place loosened easily so that was a plus. Just having a coffee waiting for the gunge stuff to do its job on the inside. Wire shelves and racks to do next. I hate that bit too. Not a good morning.
  12. The Tuxedo Princess. Many’s the ……. …. no, best not go there.
  13. As long as they didn’t kiss their cox afterwards.
  14. Dear back and hip You leave our Grandad Bob alone. Or else.
  15. Yes, but using your elasticated belt with snake buckle from when you were in junior school?
  16. I think, as suggested earlier the side frames are very slightly different lengths. I laid mine down together lining up the axle boxes (whose spacing isn't thankfully affected by this) and cut/filed to the shorter length. The interesting bit comes when trying to get the hopper fixed in the correct position and square
  17. Some rope and a couple of good Highland Games tug-o-war teams should sort it.
  18. Ooh. We are back. It’s been a while since something like that happened. I think Jamie needs to get his return key unstuck.
  19. I shall impound myself and pound my head against the wall in penitence for the sins of my forefathers.
  20. Valerie and I have been to Assisi a couple of times and I can understand why he might be ‘quite taken’. Even without the religious aspect (and there’s a lot of it about, which is important to Valerie) I found it a quite enchanting place.
  21. Is that 1290 Big Mac pounds sterling or 1290 pounds of Big Mac? If the latter I think I would need two sittings to manage them.
  22. I know the Deltic exchange rate but I wonder how many virgins the Beeb would get for a Lineker. I bet they could get a lot of choral singers too.
  23. Thoughts are with you and yours, Q
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