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Everything posted by BoD

  1. ....... and you went out and spent it on Andy Carroll
  2. Blimey... ...... when I posted above I didn't for one minute think ............
  3. You missed Sunderland off your list. Well you have to keep on believing don't you?
  4. A story did the rounds at Uni when we were out on Teaching practice. One student was sent to a school in Yorkshire (I don't know what he'd done wrong) and asked a young lad to bring the rubber from a tin at the front of the class. The lad returned empty handed saying "Tin tin tin".
  5. ... and you got away with it?
  6. If he's not at a slimming club.
  7. I'll try and warm it up a bit as it passes over.
  8. Who has pinched the sun?
  9. Morning all Would just like to say 'me too' to all of the above posts.
  10. She may well stoop to conquer but I've got to stoop to do more ruddy skirting boards. Should get to York show on Monday though. I have a long shopping list. Enjoy whatever it is you are up to this weekend.
  11. It depends what's in your roll.
  12. Morning all I have never received an email asking me to sign petitions. There are no barking dogs or roadworks or Leylandii outside. I don't use facebook. I am not going to Morrisons or any other large supermarket. Just thought I'd let you know.
  13. If he was waving his arms how would you tell the difference.
  14. Or even have the kick off at a reasonable time for the return journey. But, as we are all too painfully aware, football has sold its soul to the TV schedulers.
  15. I'm sure I can see Jesus' face on Gordon's knee. If he could do that for a couple of hours everyday we could set up a shrine and charge people entry.
  16. Then it needs some oinkment rubbing on. Well someone had to.
  17. Plenty here to help you out.
  18. Only because nobody here is fully conscious yet.
  19. BLIMEY!!!!!!! 2500 pages. Only Proust's 'À la recherche du temps perdu' is longer.
  20. Front? I'd feel much safer looking at the back.
  21. Why does a doctor always have a whisky in his right hand? To balance the cigarette in his left.
  22. Do you not remember the days when ................
  23. Now there's a novel idea. I really must try it sometime.
  24. Morning all The forecast says sun. My wet coat and blurred spectacles says rain. I wonder which is correct.
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