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Everything posted by BoD

  1. A trip to B&Q keeps morale up? You must be down.
  2. Morning all The sun is out. The flask train is running today. Knowing my luck it will cross another train that is due round about the same time, at just the wrong point.
  3. Ah, Bunnahabhain, which is much easier to drink than it is to spell or say. Dom, like all of these things, one person's favourite may be another's poison. For example, I've always thought Glenfiddich highly overrated. Favourites vary over time and circumstance and even with different expressions of the same malt. For a light dram I very much like Glen Scotia, if you like Laphroig you might like to try Caol ila. My particular favourites at the moment are certain Ardbegs, Balvenie Doublewood and a Macallan although I can't remember which one off the top of my head.
  4. Blimey - no Edinburgh team in the SPL next season. And wasn't that 2nd Rotherham goal something special?
  5. I have. It has the A-B section on.
  6. Just testing an upload from phone. Whilst others might have shelves full of books......
  7. I once knew a girl from Scunthorpe. Daughter has just texted from a car boot sale saying she wished she had worn her wellies. I texted telling her to buy some - she's at a boot sale for goodness sake. Just had to go back and edit: iPad auto thingy thought my daughter wished she had worn willies.
  8. If you aren't very regular my top tip would be Senakot.
  9. His dog's accountant will be even happier. I have just checked the TV timings to plan my day - a match at Wembley at 3pm on a Saturday. Now there' s a novel idea. If you are involved in any way enjoy your day. I was at the Charlton v Sunderland playoff. What a roller coaster of a day that was. The whole day was a great day out, in spite of the result. Still can't get my head round the idea that there is an actual trophy for it though.
  10. Ok, sorry about the delay. It wouldn't surprise me if we've had this one before at some point but here goes.
  11. Only in the fact that DD's age is now the same as the overdraft interest rates. Many happy returns DD.
  12. It's close to East Fortune and the disused airfield that now houses a National Museum of Flight. Won't be able to post until tomorrow evening so if anyone has a square ready.......
  13. It has been over a fortnight since Don Bradley last visited. A long time for him. I know his PC and connection has been flakey recently, so here's hoping that is his problem too.
  14. The first 10 minutes certainly made for a more interesting final. Am I the only one who finds Adrian Chiles voice and intonation irritating beyond belief?
  15. Oh, I say chaps. Have I missed something. What is this petrol stuff that everyone is talking about. Will it make my scythe sharper?
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    And they are asking £50 for it. It might be just me but I find that appalling from one of our main dealers.
  17. ......... especially if you're only 59.
  18. One of photographer Derek Cross's favourite locations is not far from here.
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    He certainly puts a different slant on it.
  20. Ok then. The station is Seaham, 400yds up the road from where I'm sitting. Amazingly, despite knowing the place (obviously), it still took a little while for the map and reality to come together. Next
  21. I'll keep quiet on this one.
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