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Everything posted by BoD

  1. How many threads have been locked when we go down this route? Let's not take the jokes thread in the same direction....... ..... at whatever speed.
  2. Remarkably proficient liars, estate agents.
  3. Tony. If it was the Hartlepool show you were talking about I would park somewhere, get the train to Kings Cross then the Grand Central to Hartlepool. Stilettos are not advisable in Hartlepool.
  4. Don always said that his godson Tim was under instruction to inform us of any bad news, that he hasn't done so, hopefully, is a positive.
  5. Yes, very worrying. It is a long time, even given the flaky nature of Don's computer and internet connection.
  6. Morning all. At school for a final revision session for tomorrow's exam. Not my preferred way to spend Sundays but hopefully it will be worth it.
  7. Mike (SM) I was trying to beat Ian's record for Disagrees and made a wildly inaccurate statement in the previous post. Unbelievably, people started agreeing with it.
  8. You are supposed to disagree.
  9. Ok. I'll have a go. ERs is full of charming, witty, intelligent people.
  10. You uncle wasn't Spike Milligan was he?
  11. I'm sure that Uncle Tony will ensure that her vocabulary expands in an appropriate direction..... train.... railway...... station.... scenery DCC......
  12. The Norton might have been on Dunlops.
  13. Keep your eye out for a young lad called Daley Mathison. An ex pupil who came back not so long ago and talked at assemblies. Brought his bikes and gear and told some very interesting stories.
  14. BoD

    EBay madness

    Is the the 0-4-0 LOOK or the full 0-6-0 LOOOK?
  15. Victor......... VICTORRRRRRR.......
  16. Morning all Sitting with a coffee waiting for the car to be serviced. At least there's no worry over whether it passes or not. It's not due an mot for a couple of years yet. I sort of moaned about going in over half term to do revision classes but that was just a temporary 'just out of bed' type of regret. Once there it was most worthwhile with the pupils really keen and appreciative. As it was likely to be our last full session together there were class photos and goodbyes. I was given some very nice thank you cards. Two remarks that stuck out were 'Thank you for believing in me over the years' and 'you are the reason I have achieved so much' There are many downsides to teaching these days but it only takes a few instances like this to make the whole thing enjoyable and rewarding. There's no feeling quite like it. Sorry for going on but I just felt the need to share this. Edit: the whole thing posted twice. That really would be going on about it.
  17. .... but I charged it to your card as they already had the details.
  18. I have just finished doing the hoovering. By painstaking and careful manipulation of the hoover I managed to leave the carpet looking like a pristine Wembley complete with the stripes. Mrs BoD did not seem to be impressed in the slightest. Women.
  19. Let's all go round to PhilJ W's and paint Chinese things on his teapot.
  20. Morning all Up as usual today because, although it's half term, I'm heading off to school to do some revision classes with those sitting exams straight after the holidays. It's grey and miserable. So is the weather.
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