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Everything posted by BoD

  1. BT have apologised for the problems this morning. I too spent a bit of time scratting round until I realised the problem was with BT. I suppose it's natural to suspect your end first rather than a problem at your supplier's end. You would think BT would have some resilience built in wouldn't you.
  2. Ruddy text speak, don't understand a word of it. Giid mirnung all.
  3. I don't think Robbie will enjoy wearing shorts and a T-shirt.
  4. BoD

    EBay madness

    ....... and he won it in a tombola.
  5. Still along the lines of business ahead of country.... Don't forget England couldn't use the World Cup ball in their friendly matches at Wembly because the FA had a deal with a different ball maker. If the FA can't put the team first.......
  6. Evening all. We have just got back from a very enjoyable evening watching Evita. Marti Pellow was an excellent Che. I now have several earworms flying around, but this once I'm not complaining.
  7. ...... at least he has something to be arrogant about.
  8. That deserves a funny AND a friendly/supportive at the same time.
  9. Congratulations Robert.
  10. BoD

    EBay madness

    He might try to sell you a reply. In kit form of course.
  11. Time to get those darts out
  12. Thanks for the replies folks. You have gone some way to putting my mind to rest. Andrew: Yes the gentleman concerned was on the MERG stand and whilst possible I don't believe there was a misunderstanding. He was quite specific about separating the train control (DCC) from the servo control which used electronics controlled from a computer. At the moment I have only experimented with a test track and one or two accessory decoders at once, mainly to learn how to use the rocrail software and there have been no problems so far (I will probably regret making that statement before too long). I am using a mixture of NCE SwitchIT decoders with tortoise motors, and Lenz or LDT feedback/ track detection modules. Some of these use the track power. I have already accepted that I may need an additional power booster but other than that (and assuming the wiring follows good practice) using the track supply shouldn't cause problems should it?
  13. Love that last picture Colin. Nice idea, well executed. Unless of course there was actually .........
  14. At a recent model railway exhibition I was discussing servo control of signals with some guys from MERG. I talked about my plans to control the points and signals via DCC and a computer. One of the gentlemen there used DCC to control locos but other electronics to control motors etc because he felt quite strongly that you could 'ask' the DCC signal to do too much and the signal could become distorted and cause problems with loco control. He has obviously sewn some seeds of doubt here because, whilst I still intend going down the path of Rocrail and DCC control of my layout, I occasionally just wonder about what he said. My question then is, is his reasoning sound? Can you mess up the DCC signal by asking it to do too much?
  15. Blimey, such a lot going on. So; commiserations to all who are/have suffered various ailments and their consequences. take up darts Dr SC - it is bound to come in useful at some point. Thoroughly enjoying the different reports and photos of the different outings and excursions. Have a virtual pint on me Colin next time you are out and about. Pass on my support to Aditi too please Tony, speaking of which, I was under the impression that it was the post that became redundant and not the person (although the two are often totally inseparable). If the college hasn't identified surplus posts or posts which need to be cut back, then it seems to me that they are on very dodgy ground indeed.
  16. Barnsley? Now there's a 'local' club with a bit of history. Was Mr Bird keeping an eye on you?
  17. Somehow I didn't think that would last too long.
  18. I bet that will put a bit of a damper on things. Sympathy to all involved.
  19. Hartlebury. Next Clue: It's quite flat.
  20. That's an impressive beast.
  21. Morning all Good to see you back Don. If you are trying to catch up we won't see you for another six weeks though.
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