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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Oh s0d it. My ginger snap has just disintegrated as I was dunking it. Totally irrelevant when compared to air crashes or Bachmann announcements but annoying nonetheless.
  2. I can't get over the fact that there are some who keep dropping hints that they have inside knowledge, that they know beforehand or know what is still to come. Ok, they might well do, but why do they feel the need to keep telling very one else that they do. Best stop now before I offend someone.
  3. I hope it's a Blue P*llman
  4. You need to un-un-run some locomotives.
  5. One does one's best (it was more by good luck than anything else) Next up
  6. I am now in a bit of a quandary Don. For various reasons I couldn't start on the main layout in the loft (house re-wiring and other major work) until a couple of months ago. In the meantime I started the shunting plank as well as having a half completed depot layout. So, do I start on the main layout, which will be the thing that will keep me busy and entertained in retirement or do I finish the others first? Do I scrap the others or do I try to juggle all three?At the moment, I'm in that situation where indecision leads to absolutely nothing happening. I will need to make some decisions over the next few days if things are going to progress.
  7. Perhaps they just picked the members with the highest post counts. Interestingly, of the top 20, six are regulars in ER's If I were writing an exam question I would now say........ Discuss. Morning all.
  8. Just north of Silecroft on the Cumbrian coast.
  9. Lucy? Cully? Almost anagrams. If you and Mrs ID adopt her I think she would be Lucky.
  10. I was correct about the good weather ending with the start of the school holidays too. And there's only 159 days till Christmas. Bah, humbug.
  11. This is the BBC We don't crap our pants. We have the stiff upper lip. Except when it gets a little bit warm Or cold Or there's a bit snow Or rain Or......
  12. Morning all I see one of the stories on the main news is about the heat and is full of warning after warning. Have we really become a nation of such incompetents that we need this? Grump over.
  13. No chance. Our summer will finish tomorrow afternoon with the end of term bell.
  14. Just south of Newcastle where the Tyne Valley line branches away from the ECML.
  15. In such circumstances a Geordie umpire's reply is, "Divvent be daft, ye git fond bu$$er". Edit to bypass censor.
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    It's all a bit 'armless fun.
  17. Morning all - or something like that. Just back from Hartlepool exhibition and I spent ...... erm ....... some money. I must do a Gordon and sit down, rationalise and flog of some my collection, much of which I probably don't need anyway.
  18. BoD

    EBay madness

    Only one question really. Why?
  19. Ditto Ditto Thought: Is the plural of Ditto, Ditti? In which case I've just sung you a little Ditti.
  20. After reading your status had to pop over and have a peep. Very effective, although sausages would have been quite impressive too.
  21. I'm sure I've seen a video somewhere of them 'bouncing' a car out of the way of the Weymouth train. Or perhaps I'm just imagining it.
  22. An Englishman, Irishman, Scotsman, a bear, two giraffes, a white horse, a small newt and a 12" pianist walk into a bar. The barman says, "Is this some sort of joke?"
  23. ........ and Perkins was the headmaster.
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