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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Good luck on your first show. Although I'm sure luck won't come into it.
  2. BoD

    EBay madness

    Rails of Sheffield must be accepting any old crap in part ex or second hand deals. I really must have a rummage through my scrap box.
  3. No, Dominik - This is the beauty of loco noise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F6wEmsgaLc
  4. Evening all Just back from a few days away. When we travel we normally head to Scotland, visit relatives for a couple of days and then just follow our noses, the sun or sometimes even just flip a coin. We have always managed to find decent hotels or B&Bs as we go. We do this until either the money or the clean clothes run out. It's not everybody's cup of tea but we like the 'freedom' it offers. This year we looked at the forecast and decided to turn left at the top of the street instead of right, Being on the East coast this meant heading south rather than north. A good decision if Andy's reports from Braemar were anything to go by. Anyway to cut a short story even shorter we ended up in Stratford-upon-Avon and then had a look around the Cotswolds. We had not been to either of these places before and thoroughly enjoyed our visit despite everywhere that we visited being very busy (compared to what we are used to). I popped in a couple of times whilst we were away but didn't always get the chance to read everything so usual congratulations, commiserations etc. as appropriate.
  5. The memory of Cody will keep you right.
  6. There wasn't anyone here untouched when Cody left us. Debs, what happened to that superb loco you were naming in his memory?
  7. Doing bird? It's a dogs life.
  8. The classified section has gone quiet. Gordon must have Sold Out.
  9. I would suggest to the batsman that he needs to grip the bat a little firmer.
  10. So my last attempt at building a baseboard was, in fact, a victory. That is good news.
  11. I tried to give up Christmas once..... ..... the hardest part was the cold turkey.
  12. No.... but I'd like to complain about this parrot I bought earlier.
  13. Gordon S: can you check you PM box or whatever it is called. I am getting a message saying you can't accept any more.
  14. I too have been disappointed by some older malts and so am convinced there is an optimum point in the maturation process. After this point improvement is negligible or there are, as you pointed out, changes in taste that are undesirable. I don't think you would be able to give a general optimum age that would work for every distillery or even every distillation and casking within a distillery. It would be nice to obtain funding to research the idea though.
  15. A re-mortgage or a bank loan.
  16. With a dash of whisky.
  17. Ooh, how long have you got. I'm sure someone more knowledgable will be along soon to give you chapter and verse. First of all don't forget that it was only really from about the 1970s that single malts started to regain their popularity and even now 90% of whisky sold is blended - a mix of malts and grain whisky. The amount of malt and which malts are in each blend is a secret closely guarded by manufacturers and if I told you I would have to kill you. Seriously, whilst lots is known or guessed the finer details are known only to a few. Given that 90% is blended a lot of malt has to go into blends, including I'm sure malts from Islay. Having said that some distilleries don't supply for blends whilst others' entire output goes for blending. Some distilleries are actually owned by the blenders for that purpose. I don't think I've fully answered your question but I hope you get the idea.
  18. A couple of drops of water (no more) seems to enhance the aroma and taste. I'm told it's to do with releasing esthers. Esther's what, I'm not quite sure.
  19. A Bootle or two would suffice. Even half a Glasgow's down well.
  20. I also notice that the player concerned had missed three matches as per his suspension but Legia mistakenly hadn't registered him in the squad for the first two games so they didn't count toward his suspension. That must make the pill even harder to swallow.
  21. Whilst I agree with your sentiments entirely, it would be very difficult to do any other than expel the team if that is the rule. If you did allow for common sense where do you draw the lines? If a player plays fir 10 mins or 20 or what? If the other team only gets beat by 2 clear goals but not 3? How do you judge if the player has made a difference or not? When the criteria for punishment becomes subjective and each case is dealt with differently it would become an absolute minefield..... and the legal teams would have a field day. Obviously, there are cases when subjectivity has to come into it but by and large, as an administrator, you would want this to happen as little as possible.
  22. I hope it's only the latter because we haven't stocked up on food and water.
  23. I love the 'glide' down from the summit to Braemar. The road is superb. It's 8:30 and it's almost dark. What's happening?
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