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Everything posted by BoD

  1. You must have bashed your head a hell of a lot ......... there's only 2 left in stock.
  2. Either that or goes home to mummy.
  3. It does seem that his team development policy in later years was to ask Giggs to keep playing and Scholes to come out of retirement, again. Possibly a reflection on the quality of those two but nevertheless..........
  4. Don: I echo what DD says except.... You need to start saying 'it's me' when you post. I'd hate to call Tim 'you daft old sod' by accident
  5. Ruddy Americans. Always the curve ball. Had a very pleasant day today pottering around the north end of the Yorshire Dales. There are still many reminders of Le Tour such as bikes on walls, bunting and what have you. We paid a visit to Castle Bolton a charming little village with an .... erm ..... castle. Very interesting, mostly ruins but one tower has been carefully preserved as Mary Queen of Scots stayed there. It is full of sense of history it was quite eerie walking up the dark spiral staircase to her bedchamber. It was huge, quite light and airy, but you still couldn't help get the feeling, almost an awareness that ......... she could have built a hell of a model railway if she had wanted to.
  6. Great to see you Don. Many Happy Returns.
  7. I had to use the choose and book system last year. It told me the dates, times and hospital I wanted weren't available. BiL (a GP) told me to use the alternative phone number they gave you. Five minutes later I had an appointment at my first choice time, date and hospital.
  8. ...... better than You're the Hippo...........
  9. The dark clouds and shower passed quickly and the sun returned. Then the window cleaners arrived. I just don't believe it.
  10. All the best Jock. See you soon.
  11. It is not going to rain. Wherever you look, newspaper, BBC (national and local), ITV, Met office....... the forecast says it is not going to rain. The skies are blue with high white cloud. I do some exterior paintwork and guess what ......
  12. Fascinating photo. When I first scrolled down and hadn't read your text, I thought it was going to be a report telling us that the Icelandic volcano had erupted.
  13. Managed to find a car suitable for DD (assuming that's a selfie in his avatar)
  14. 6th ??? I know they play in the same uniform but .......
  15. I think Man U, should avoid the drop too.
  16. Morning all Wall to wall blue skies thus morning. A visit to Railex Northeast is planned for today. As far as walking, cycling etc is concerned I am struggling at the moment. I recently started taking Statins and I could be suffering side effects, or I could be just suffering from recent enforced inactivity, but any exercise and my legs feel really weak and develop aches after only a mile or two. Funnily the aches and pains are never in the same place. Perhaps I'm just getting old and fat.
  17. Yes, it was a pointed remark.
  18. Ok, Finally back to main computer so can access different mapping tools. Here was the one I originally found But eventually found one like the puzzle square. Spot the difference. And so to the next
  19. New Password Mark 2 COMPUTER The password must be eight characters and include upper and lower case USER Snow White and the seven dwarfs
  20. Two tigers walking down the High Street. One says to the other "Not many people about".
  21. I think it might be near Felixstowe - but the map I'm using doesn't show the railway. I need to look at a different map version.
  22. Why do elephants live in herds? To get a bulk buy discount on red and yellow paint.
  23. Whilst singing something suitable from 'My Fair Lady'
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