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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Why did the chicken cross the mobius strip? To stay on the same side.
  2. BoD

    EBay madness

    It's 'as per prototype' Just like the real 'Dounraey'.
  3. Morning all Like quite a few these days I haven't really had time to pop in and keep up to date. Perhaps when I join the ranks of Early retirees rather than early risers....... So all the usualls where appropriate. I do wish the Scots had voted yes. Britain's average rainfall would have fallen by 20cm per year and the average temp gone up by about 5C. I could have done with a bit better weather this morning.
  4. I have just been reading that Man City's owners have instructed them to win the Champions League this season. They just don't get it do they?
  5. Tis simple DD 2B or not 2B, that is the question.
  6. Thanks for that Tim. It sounded a big op, so really glad (and relieved) that he's feeling better each day. Pass on our best wishes and let him know he's in our thoughts.
  7. Just be thankful it's not me flying over your car.
  8. Just to let you know that blackberries don't only affect seagulls.
  9. We have put those blackberries to good use - blackberry and apple crumble. Non of this fine, pureed, artistic cooking stuff for us. Whole blackberries and thick slices of apple. Delicious.
  10. Went shopping this morning. People were buying punnets of blackberries. Went for a walk this afternoon and picked enough for several punnets. Could have had as many as I wanted. Much more pleasant than shopping too.
  11. A thought, on this fine morning, for Don. Here's hoping that no news is good news.
  12. Incredible. A bridge with inside cylinders.
  13. If it's still a good likeness of you why bother? Many happy returns.
  14. Derailed?? It's square on. Made a huge mistake today. Did some ironing. Mrs BoD didn't know I could do that.
  15. BoD

    EBay madness

    How on earth can they get away calling it MIB?Personally my conscience wouldn't let me. Although it is described as Average further down - I'd hate to see the below average.
  16. It was all just Word play. I'm sure you excelled at it.
  17. Agreed. Can't blame her with all these train thingys flying about on here.
  18. I reckon only about 00110010 % of people will get that.
  19. Morning all Just back from half yearly 'school uniform' shopping. Into town for shops opening. Usual shop. Usual items. Usual size. (Quick try on, just to check summer Hols hadn't been too disastrous on the waistline front). Back home in just under an hour. My kind of shopping.
  20. I thought Tony was the small one.
  21. You must have bashed your head a hell of a lot ......... there's only 2 left in stock.
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