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Everything posted by BoD

  1. It was the funeral of the local traffic warden. Just as the vicar was about to throw soil in with the "Dust to dust" routine he heard a loud banging from the coffin and a voice wailed in terror, "Help, help, I'm not dead, there's been a terrible mistake." The vicar paused, wondered what he could possibly do then said, with a wry smile, "Sorry, but the paper work has already been done."
  2. But someone has to shell out to clean the windows. Especially if it goes all ova.
  3. Yes, I mean think of the draught if you didn't have windows.
  4. To misquote: Turnips? You were lucky to have turnips. We had to make do with jam jar with a bit of string for t' handle. But we were happy.
  5. As I said earlier I was out taking some photographs this morning. I was concentrating on our towns efforts to remember the start of the first world war, 100 years ago this year. More pics in this post if you are interested. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/88672-the-lights-are-going-out/?p=1640415
  6. Morning all Beautiful light this morning so up to get some photos before heading to school. More going in today to sort a few things out then hopefully I can relax for a couple of days before thinking about next half term.
  7. That would be the sad events at Penmanshiel. The square is just south of Grantshouse. Next
  8. My daily constitutional today took me from Seaham along the cliffs to Hawthorn and the viaduct. Couldn't help but think of this layout.
  9. Now we know where DD got his paint from to do the giraffe.
  10. Apparently they are going to adopt the TV quiz show model and have a different 'guest manager' each week.
  11. Morning all Was sunny earlier but now dulling over. Recently I have been noticing a deterioration in the sight in my right eye. Just out of focus a bit so off I went to the opticians last Saturday expecting a change of prescription. However, whatever lens he dialed in front of my right eye wouldn't bring the chart into focus. He said he was going to refer me to the eye infirmary and I expected to receive an appointment a few weeks down the line but no, he said he wanted me to go straight to the A&E dept. They discovered that cataracts were developing on both eyes but were unsure if these were enough to cause such a marked deterioration. Nothing too serious yet I am assured but more tests and checks to follow. The very thought of not being able to walk the hills, cycle or do the fiddly detailing bits any more horrifies me. Look after your eyes folks. They are very precious.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    It looks like something they would have built from sticky backed plastic in the early days of Blue Peter.
  13. BoD

    EBay madness

    Surely they are breaking the trade description act. .........it's not blue.
  14. BoD

    EBay madness

    You can't argue with the description. The box has indeed been cleared out.
  15. Anyone found a recipe for success?
  16. Motherwell. Back later with the evidence and next square. Here we go then
  17. Good luck in your new place, Sherry
  18. 46 years ago? I started to try and catch up on ER posts. Just finished.
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    When it's sold by Gostude.
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