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Everything posted by BoD

  1. It might be just me but this one looks like it might have come straight from the pages of Thomas the Tank Engine.
  2. Hope we can quickly move on from bad drivers/driving incidents. We've seen too many threads go to the large recycling bin in the sky when this gets discussed.
  3. BoD

    EBay madness

    'there is damage on the one side on the top left hand corner which can be seen in the picture,' Oh no it can't.
  4. Late to the breakfast tv discussion but there is one chap on Breakfast TV I'm sure, that if you timed it, you would find his questions last two or three times longer than the responses they elicit. Not the one who was on that dancing program I hasten to add, although that in itself says a lot about breakfast tv too. p.s. I can do grumpy at any time of day, it doesn't have to be over breakfast (as Snow White once said).
  5. Tony, I'm sure that you will remember the time when the Head of Computer Studies was also the computer technician, network hardware and software manager, ICT equipment purchaser, strategic planner, and ICT help desk as well as being responsible for the whole school use of computers, admin computers, running a department and teaching a full timetable. It was about then that I lost my hair and sanity.
  6. That doesn't sound too pleasant at all Tony. I hope Aditi is alright and not too upset by what has happened.
  7. My laptop was nearly given the frisbee treatment several times over recent months. It was a definite hindrance rather than a help due to slow running. I told them it needed more memory. After several re images, and a plethora of other tests the ICT people decided it needed more memory. Works fine now. They forget I used to be their manager.
  8. Smardale viaduct. Next. With the distinctive layout, can't imagine this lasting too long.
  9. ...... and there m'lord rests the case for the defence.
  10. Oh, for pucks sake. We are scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
  11. Perhaps we should move onto sonnets then.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    Or a true reflection of the ratio of sh1te to bargains on ebay?
  13. A cold wind doth blow Taking the warmth from the sun Yesterday's curry.
  14. What did you expect from someone from the Liverpool area?
  15. My phone does the same so I guess it's an android feature rather than Hudl.
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    ' IT HAS RAN WHEN IT WANTS TOO ' I've had a few like that over the years but never considered it a selling point.
  17. BoD

    EBay madness

    You could buy the whole of Gateshead for that price.
  18. Did somebody say something?
  19. I think the correct answer is 42
  20. So, it had a tender behind?
  21. I see that model train catalogue only allows for two billion items of stock. Who would buy software with such limitations eh?
  22. Great to see you back Mike.
  23. At least you remembered doing it.
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