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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I appear to have mislaid my soldering iron. Last time I saw it, it was on the layout's bare baseboard where there is now a load of formers and chicken wire covered with hardened modroc. I couldn't have, could I? Well if I did, it's blimmin well staying there.
  2. Our grandson is taking up far too much of my time at the moment…. … but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The layout can wait while I enjoy the moment.
  3. I hope it wasn’t a cactus.
  4. I’m guessing you’ve never been to Newcastle on a Friday night then?
  5. I hope that is a planned visit rather than an emergency one.
  6. In that case, hopefully, it will involve rebuilding The Wall. All of it.
  7. My Dad always said look after your tools and they will look after you, but never said anything about giving them a cushion to have a nap on.
  8. … and is it a Bonio or Chocky Drop. We need to know these things.
  9. I’ll pop back there in 300 years to get another photo. Now, shall I go at dawn or at sunset?
  10. … with his chainsaw Not really though, in spite of how sad or angered one feels. Very difficult to think of a suitable response/punishment though.
  11. They have arrested a 16yr old ‘on suspicion of criminal damage’.
  12. Let the ballasting begin. Or is there still wire to be wrangled?
  13. There are lots of words I could use to describe those responsible but I won’t for fear of upsetting the mods. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-66947040 To say that I am gutted is a huge understatement. I’m sure that @DaveF and many, many others will feel the same way.
  14. You keep digging out photos that add to my to do list. Stop it now!!
  15. The Ordnance Survey have updated their maps already
  16. Yes, the real thing will almost (see what I did there?) undoubtedly follow.
  17. Apropos of nothing in particular … A week come Friday I can claim my senior citizens bus pass. I had a look on the County Council’s website where it said I could apply online and up to two weeks in advance. Great I thought, I will sort that this afternoon. Their idea of applying online is to download the application form, print it, fill it in, scan or photograph it and then upload it (and scans/digital photos of other supporting documents). I can appreciate uploading or attaching copies of other documents - but the rigmarole for the ‘online’ form? That was nearly a rant.
  18. Drifting a little (what? on RMweb?) but has anyone found the need to change CV settings over time as wear and tear or other changes to motors, transmissions, wheels etc affect a loco’s performance? I haven’t run any of my locos long enough yet to find any need for this but have seen quite considerable deterioration in performance of locos ‘given the hammer’ (albeit on a DC layout) and was wondering if this might eventually become an issue. Or even a problem that could be alleviated, up to a point, by changing CVS.
  19. Afternoon all Back from the eye infirmary and I'm quite pleased. I was there to check up my glaucoma and any deterioration since the last check up has been minimal. It is unusual for there to be no deterioration it is usually either classified as slow deterioration or fast deterioration. Mine is, so far, very slow... and it clouded over, so a light pub lunch was had as a celebration/show of relief/thanksgiving.
  20. Morning all I am currently sitting in waiting room at local Eye Infirmary for my regular consultation/checkup. Have been here since 8 for field and other tests. Why is there always bright sunshine when I have my pupils dilated?
  21. I think you have missed a letter out there. S or R? Who knows.
  22. She wasn’t smoking a cigar too, was she?
  23. ‘Twas a fine vintage. You take care now - and do as you have been told.
  24. These days, any noun can be verbed.
  25. Wouldn’t it be strange if the Hokey Cokey actually is what it is all about.
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