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Everything posted by BoD

  1. They all start with the letter M except for Huw Wheldon. Muw Wheldon sounds daft anyway.
  2. I have been for my daily constitutional and am still suffering a bit of shock. A quite pleasant shock. The day started frosty with clear blue skies. Lovely walking conditions despite what the 'National Cold Weather Plan' decrees. I planned my walk to time with the passing of a flask train. I knew that it was forecast to cloud over, which it duly did, but I took my camera anyway. Now for the amazing bit - literally, as the train was approaching, the sun came out, and remained out for about 10 minutes. Those who photograph trains regularly will know that it is always, always the other way round. Hence my total gobsmackedness and state of shock. Enjoy the rest of the year and take care whatever you are up to this evening.
  3. After stockpiling a load of modelling mags I decided to throw them out at the start of this year. Most of them hadn't been touched for at least a couple of years, some even longer. About a fortnight after I'd slung the lot someone asked if I had any old mags that I didn't want.
  4. Yep - looks just like you do in your avatar.
  5. Typical lad from Horden then.
  6. I've got a famous ancestor too. Adam.
  7. You didn't think the scriptwriters just made it up did you? It's all true I tell you.
  8. The consultant estimated one month for a pre-op appointment then about three months for the op. The actual op is done under a local anaesthetic and takes about two hours, with a one week recovery time if all goes to plan. I should be able to arrange for it all to be done during a school holiday. I can remember my mum having hers done and, back then, it seemed to be a major procedure with a long, delicate recovery process.
  9. Morning all. Now on waiting list for cataract ops. Wonder if it will make me a better modeller. I have always managed to get to work, occasionally to be told that the school was closed when I got there. In some cases it is the bus companies that call the tune when the school closes early. They phone up and say we would like to come now, we cannot guarantee getting the pupils home later. That puts the head in an awful position. Even when the main roads are clear(ish) people often have difficulty getting off their estates and it is invariably those who live on more modern estates with their narrow rabbit warren like windy roads and cul-de-sacs.
  10. Don't worry Ian H - there are lots of posts here that I don't understand either. Come to think of it ...................................
  11. Evening all I'm busy on the desktop computer and laptop at the same time - clever eh? Who said us blokes don't multitask. So ..... Keyboards - the big one by itself - desktop - the smaller one fixed to the top of the laptop - laptop - simples. Mice - two wireless mice - erm - 50/50 chance of trying to move the cursor with the wrong mouse. Ok, they were correct about us not being able to multitask efficiently. Off to the eye infirmary tomorrow to see the consultant about my right eye no longer being able to focus correctly. Looks like a cataract op looming.
  12. Three years ago I bought a snow shovel for a fiver I think it was. It pains the Scrooge in me that it has never been used. How much more pain would I suffer if I had spent hundreds on one of those fancy snow blower things (which wouldn't have worked anyway because of the wrong kind of slush). The sledge we bought for the grandson remains unused in the loft too.
  13. You shouldn't have painted the wheels yellow.
  14. Is there any club/ref/result he hasn't moaned at? I looked forward to things going 'against' him just to hear the moans. Much more entertaining than the football.
  15. Tell Ian to get off then.
  16. I suspect it depends on how much practise you get and how prepared you are to listen to advice. When I was learning (sometime ago now) I was lucky enough to have quite a big fall of snow. Rather than cancelling the lesson my instructor took me out to a quiet location and let me 'play' in the snow whilst administering lots of good advice. I suspect today he wouldn't have been allowed to do that.
  17. The Met office have issued it. Apparently I need to refer to the 'National Cold Weather Plan' Oh, FFS!!! Apologies for that little outburst but it is just so unbelievable, or is it just me?
  18. I have just read in the paper that 'People have been warned to stay at home because the weather is forecast to turn colder' Who on earth is issuing such warnings and for goodness sake why?!!!!! It's a beautiful crisp morning out there - I'm about to wrap up and go for my usual walk. Aren't I just the rebellious little anarchist.
  19. I have a little bit of the plain cheese left but the Wensleydale with apricot has all gone.
  20. Evening all Didn't go for a dip today. Come to think of it, have never been for a Boxing Day dip so that's not really news. I spectated once and that was enough for me. Sitting relaxing now with some nice cheese, a selection of biscuits and a glass (or two) of port. The port is crusted not vintage but still very nice.
  21. Evening all Spent a very pleasant day at my daughter's place. I am feeling well stuffed. On the drive back saw two gritters working full pelt. Do they know something we don't?
  22. ...... About the same age as many of the jokes on here then.
  23. What an awful start to Xmas, Ian Hope MiL makes a full recovery.
  24. Oh, . Something's burning. Merry christmas one and all.
  25. Then pray tell us the original message before rearrangement and let us imagine the rest.
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