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Everything posted by BoD

  1. The A69 runs from Newcastle to Carlisle and, on occasion, from Carlisle to Newcastle. But, given that it's a road, I don't think that that is the answer you are looking for.
  2. BoD

    EBay madness

    .... some people do...... ....... and then flog it on e-bay.
  3. I've clicked funny. Now I'm off to google to find out what it actually means.
  4. Morning all. Just. Windy. Here endeth the weather report.
  5. Do you have their address? Are they on (gale) ForceBook? Do they have a Twister account.? Can I SKYpe them? Perhaps I can just get them on the blower? Shall I stop now?
  6. Afternoon all. My car has been attacked by a feral Xmas tree. We heard a noise this morning and looked out to see the tree picked up by the wind, doing a reasonable impression of tumbleweed, glancing off the side of the car and becoming trapped partially beneath a car further along the road. Today is the day that the local council asks people to put out Xmas trees for collection and recycling. It doesn't look as thought there has been any damage but it was dark when I came to work and is likely to be dark when I return home. It will have to wait until tomorrow for a close inspection of the paintwork. Against whom do I make a claim? Answers please on the back of a used Xmas cracker joke to.......
  7. Not exciting? Haircuts are the highlights of my social calendar.
  8. He might have some great gear but he's only got 12 minutes left before he has to put another shilling in the meter.
  9. Ditto. I didn't order until Saturday evening. Was at work today but delivery wasn't until 6:30 by yodel chap in his own car. Things with Yodel do go wrong and it's these that 'make the news' but I'm guessing that it's quite a small % of overall deliveries. No consolation for those who are affected though.
  10. Following the discussions about HiFi I thought I'd have a quick look at the current prices for some of my stuff and like others found that there doesn't seem to be much demand for second hand. I guess it will just stay in the loft then. Funnily enough someone on e-bay was trying to sell the name badge from the front of the speakers for not much less than the full speakers were going in second hand shops.
  11. Look after yourself Debs. Hope you and your puns are back with us before too long.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    He also says 'See pictures they form part of the description WYSIWYG'
  13. Darren Bent eh? Always good for a laugh. You will soon be sick of him.
  14. The pleasure is all ours Jock.
  15. At last ...... ......I've found the prototype for my model buildings
  16. Decorations were dismantled and returned to loft yesterday, simply because of the logistics. Best part of a day to put up, 30 minutes to take down and pack away. The crib remains until at least 12th night as the wise men haven't even made their appearance on the scene yet. They may get a shock as last year they were on a window-sill but this year they are under the TV between the loudspeakers
  17. BoD

    EBay madness

    Username says a lot. Too much of one and not enough of the other.
  18. They could do worse than start with the offside rule. When is a player interfering? When a player is returning from an offside position when can he become involved again without being flagged offside? Changing tack completely, this Pardew business seems to be dragging on a bit. Caretakers looking after the team at Newcastle, Pardew in the stands at the Palace game, everyone assuming he is their new manager but no official confirmation either that he has left one club or joined the other.
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    It's described as a time vault capsule. Perhaps it should be buried now, save time later.
  20. Strange. I've just visited the Weightwatchers' site. It asked me if I wanted to accept cookies.
  21. Many Happy Returns Mike - if I've read your post correctly.
  22. It's all part of a conspiracy, I tell you.
  23. The distance between the two ears would have to be slightly reduced although any depth and profile of earlobe would work (allegedly).
  24. Happy New Year. May all your troubles be as short as your resolutions.
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