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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I bought some tools too. When I have learnt how to use them I will start on the baseboards.
  2. I thought it was longer than 15 years ago that 'The Wall' came down.
  3. Morning all As I've no work to go to, I may stand a chance of keeping up to date with posts this week. Today's constitutional will be put on hold, I'm a fair weather walker these days, so may fit 'son et lumiere' to a Class 101. I'm sure I've got a detailing pack somewhere too. Have a good day.
  4. Weekly shop done and now, because it's half term week and I have nothing to prepare or mark I can relax for the rest of today. Sundays are a totally different and laid back sort of day when you don't have work on Monday. Now, what to do? Football? Rugby? Modelling? A little bit of all three?
  5. Still no sign of Trev. Hasn't been with us since the 2nd Feb. Here's hoping it's simply one of those amenity failures of which he used to talk.
  6. I would hate to have my member dissed. Especial on St Valentine's Day.
  7. If I did anything special for Mrs BoD today she would demand to know what I had been up too.
  8. Today's kids have a weird sense of what is romantic. A couple of quotes seen this week in the run up to Valentine's Day. My love for you is like diarrhoea. I just can't keep it in. If you were a bogey I would pick you.
  9. My word ..... so many posts. It's just impossible to keep up anymore. So, masses of appropriate buttons, sympathetic noises or quiet chuckles matched to the relevant posts, past, present and future.
  10. This afternoon I took time off from marking and planning and fitted a sound decoder to a Black 5. It sounds rather good.
  11. Dunno.......... but it would be an 'ERculean task
  12. The question of 'why people model' and what aspects of modelling interest individuals comes into this too. As already pointed out, the Bluetooth system looks as has potential to fulfil many different needs and levels depending on the software developed for it. I imagine it would even be possible to develop physical more tactile controllers for those who want them. . Some may argue that is not the point of the system but if the market is there...... As to the cost, I wonder how much the apps (and there will, I'm sure, eventually be more than one) might actually be? It will be a totally different business model to the game app sold at 69p to thousand of people. Just look at the range of cost already - from high end like Traincontroller Gold all the way down to open source material like JMRI and Rocrail.
  13. I know nothing about Bluetooth which will probably become obvious from my next question. Is Bluetooth a one to one pairing or can one handset (throttle) be paired to many other devices (locos)? I assume then that data would be transmitted to all locos but each would have its own 'address' and act only on its own packets of data.
  14. I know we aren't supposed to do this but... ......me too.
  15. I can understand there being a 'Hit by mistake button' but what happens if you feel like deliberately punching someone?
  16. Morning all. This retirement lark has slipped to the back of my mind (too busy to think about it really) but talk of POETS day etc brought it to mind. I've just worked out that I have only 19 more Fridays to do. Doesn't sound too long when you say it like that.
  17. They used to be called condoms.
  18. BoD

    EBay madness

    How can they justify charging for packaging when they are sending a box?
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    A good job it's from the Railroad range. Who knows what it would have cost otherwise.
  20. Boris Johnson is being shown around a London hospital. Towards the end of the visit, he is shown into a ward with a number people with no obvious signs of injury or disease. He goes to greet the first patient and the chap replies: "Fair fa' your honest sonsie face, Great chieftain e' the puddin' race! Aboon them a' ye tak your place, Painch, tripe, or thairm; Weel are ye wordy o' a grace as lang's my arm." Boris, being somewhat confused (easily done) goes to the next patient and greets him. The patient replies: "Some hae meat, and canna eat, and some wad eat that want it, but we hae meat and can eat, and sae the Lord be thankit." The third starts rattling off: "Wee sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie, O, what a panic's in thy breastie! Thou need na start awa sae hasty, wi bickering brattle! I wad be laith to rin an chase thee, wi murdering pattle!" Boris turns to the doctor and asks: "Is this mental ward?" "No" the doctor replies, "It's the Burns unit."
  21. I know tonight is Burn's night but ........
  22. I don't know about having a soul but our washing machine often goes walkabout in the kitchen. I'm guessing it has just lost its bearings.
  23. Would only score 5 and 8 points respectively.
  24. Yes, I have just heard the interview and what a pleasant and refreshing change it was. Sadly the cynic in me says that this was a calculated move designed to reflect well on him and the club. It wouldn't have been that way if they had been beaten by a rival premiership team. He would have reverted to type and the usual deflecting of the blame and mind games would have come into play. It's not just him though, it seems to be the accepted tactic these days.
  25. I wonder who is going to get the flak after these results. The pitch, the ref, the phase of the moon.......... Ther might even be a campaign by the opposition ..... ...to try and win.
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