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Everything posted by BoD

  1. So you would have teams slog their guts out over a 46 game season, earn promotion, only to be then told 'sorry, not this time'? Somehow I can't see it catching on, even if it were to be once in a blue moon.
  2. Better still ..... the winners of the FA cup get the fourth champions league place.
  3. He ain't going to get the opportunity to try. Although who the heck we can get at this stage of the season is a mystery to me.
  4. I'll let you off then. Enjoy your revenge.
  5. I can see your point Jim, and would have been tempted myself, but what about the rest of the long queue?
  6. They were probably from Llareggub.
  7. Re Cisse and Evans' bans. I understand that this is Cisse's second ban this season and so is automatically longer than would have been given otherwise.
  8. BoD

    EBay madness

    Probably "Oh no. Not Kenton again"
  9. Does that mean you have to run your trains with your phone held aloft? Must start to hurt after a while.
  10. Glad to hear that Andy's daughter seems to be over the worst. Glad that Tony's router is routing. Delighted that Mike broke neither himself or his partner. Sad that so many seem to have the Lurgy. Upset to read of Jock's friend. I had the cataract pre-op assessment this afternoon so it's all systems go for end of May. I could have had it done earlier but arranged it for the school holidays. Daughter is getting married this Saturday so everybody (else) is running about like azure bummed muscidae. I scrub up quite well and look good in a penguin suit even if I say so myself. Must think about writing a speech. It never rains but it pours as they say. Edit - ruddy I-pad predictives
  11. ....... if you just want to tell us the minutes in which he was kicked up in the air we would understand.
  12. I'm definitely going to have to set aside some time to listen to the recommendations - some of which, I'll admit not having heard of.
  13. Like many others I wouldn't know where to start in narrowing it down to one favourite. At the moment I am listening to Duarte Lobo, Requiem for Six Voices. Definitely one of my favourites.
  14. Except when it really matters.
  15. BoD

    EBay madness

    I think the key is that they actually worked from photographs in this case.
  16. At least yours has an engine.
  17. Yes, these scientists and other greats of the past set the standards and laid the foundation for today's generation to go on to even greater things and invent the ....... ...... selfie stick.
  18. A man walked into a bar and asked for a double entendre. So the barmaid gave him one.
  19. Are you exhibiting or spectating Mick?
  20. Just like the pancakes, I've never had compost either. Doesn't sound too appetising so I'm not complaining.
  21. Morning all Half term so I'm no longer an early riser. I am not getting up until about 6:30. Tomorrow will be much earlier as I have a train to catch to Glasgow This afternoon I have to take Mrs Bod for a hospital appointment. Following her bouts of fainting they are doing various tests. Today's is a tilt table test. Apparently in testing for vertigo, balance problems etc she will be strapped to a table which is tilted at various angles. Who needs fifty shades of grey?
  22. I could cope with the running out of food and oxygen bit...... ........ but what happens when the whole place starts smelling like a Virgin Voyager?
  23. I don't think I have ever had a pancake. No particular reason, just my parents didn't do them when we were young and I haven't bothered since.
  24. Morning all Was sunny earlier but has clouded over since. Have not had a bath or shower since before Xmas and have started packing the rucksack ready for trip to Glasgow exhibition on Friday.
  25. BoD

    EBay madness

    .... only if you have an Exeter to take a photo of.
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