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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Ah, I see what you did there, Mike. Morning all.
  2. Morning all Off to York Ex today after dropping Mrs BoD at work. Well someone has to pay for the models. May even stop off for a a full English on the way. Stuff the cholesterol levels.
  3. The like button doesn't say nearly enough about Killybegs' pictures.
  4. Afternoon all Beautiful wall to wall, not a cloud in the sky, sunshine here. Hope you are enjoying the same. I know it's lazy but those power washer thingies are a huge improvement on ye olde bucket and stiff bristled swilling broom.
  5. You will have quite a long wait............it's tomorrow. Unless the time difference between here and France is greater than I thought - in which case... ..... what numbers came up in last night's lottery?
  6. Strewth. It must have been huge if they had to anaethetise his feet to do it.
  7. Wee Eck will be pleased, but I thought you civil servants had to remain neutral, especially at election time.
  8. PULL...... .......BANG
  9. BoD

    EBay madness

    Yes, but when you take labour costs into account ..........
  10. I see I've just got a Thanks from Ian (OldD) on one of my posts. Good to see you have been back Ian. Take care.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    ..... No just picking a pocket or two
  13. Morning all. Was out at 6:30 to take daughter to work as her windscreen wipers packed in over the weekend and her car is in for repair. That's the daughter that got married a month ago and no longer lives with us or depends on us in any way whatsoever. Great start to the holiday. Not that I lie in, I would have been up at six as usual. Yesterday I was given 'a list' for the holiday but fortunately it's not too long. I think we should club together and buy something for Ian. One of those relaxing mood type CDs perhaps. The running water and streams one is particularly good.
  14. Let Ian know that he's in our thoughts, Sherry.
  15. Not your usual geography, flora or fauna but another good reason for being here......
  16. I don't think I've ever met a member of ERs who could stand for very long. Welcome to the hadmouse Andy. Which Willington would that be?
  17. Morning all. Not particularly pleasant outside. A fortnight off so hope to get all the signals for the new project finished. Provided I can pick up one or two brass bits at York next weekend that should be a distinct possibility. The following weekend is Mrs BoD's 60th so we are off to Edinburgh for a couple of days. We will be staying at the same hotel we stayed on our honeymoon many years ago. It was the North British then and, I think, run by BR or one of its subsidiaries. Now it has completely changed inside and is the five star Balmoral. It is, for us, eye wateringly expensive compared to what we usually do, but she is worth it.
  18. We've had our cat done and it's well worth it.
  19. Why have they buried him if he's only ill. A bit drastic don't you think.
  20. Move somewhere else then.
  21. I've just looked in and all the best puns have gone. Looks like I've missed the boat.
  22. Morning all and happy Monday. A local(ish) crematorium has had to close for a few days. It was damaged by a fire.
  23. Evening all Felicitations, congratulations, commiserations or get well soon. Take your pick as best suits you. Cataract op looming large. Still dropping by occasionally to keep an eye on you - the good one that is. (although after a day at school and then prep/marking the better eye seems to give up the ghost and I cant do much at all)
  24. BoD

    EBay madness

    C'mon - be fair. They've photographed it from two different angles for you.
  25. I don't think I've ever seen a non-premier league team not try. Unlike ............
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