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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all. Looks like a very pleasant day here on the north east coast. I'm not at school today either. I'm off to the eye infirmary for my cataract op later. I know these things are routine these days but can't I help getting chewed over it a little. Hope to see you all later.
  2. If you click on the number at the top of a particular post it creates a link to that particular post that you can copy and paste.
  3. Imported 'Coals to Newcastle' heading for the Yorkshire power stations. Who'd have thought it. You get Biomass trains too, plus the occasional DRS nuclear flask train to and from Hartlepool power station. Are any of the planned shows 'Oop North'?
  4. Just wait until a pupil says "You taught my Gran". Then you feel really old. The school forwarded an email to me the other week It was from an ex pupil who had been browsing the school website and saw that I was still teching there. She talked of how she was in my first O level computer studies class some years ago. She has been teaching IT now for nearly 30 years. I'm not sure whether she was writing to say thank you or was making a complaint. Still, it's really rewarding to know that you are remembered and have influenced a young person's life.
  5. It's the beer part that gives me the headache.
  6. Don't you know that? Haven't you heard of the search facility?
  7. Unlucky Mick - but well played to come second.
  8. ...... even though it's a fair way. Glad you didn't have them for tee. Perhaps they were Pin tails.
  9. I'd do orange sauce myself.
  10. I assumed that to be in with a chance of winning the Silver Fox Trophy you would have to have hair. Shows how much I know about golf.
  11. BoD

    EBay madness

    He gives us a good laugh on the way ..... ..... so everyone is happy.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    Looks more like the local infant school's art project. Or perhaps I'm doing infant school kids a disservice.
  13. Hello .... erm....... My name is Bod....... and ......... ......well........ Erm...... Er...... I think I quite like IKEA.
  14. Nice to see a post from Debs. Look after yourself.
  15. Have you consulted your birth chart and a map of the sky?
  16. So you finally let her out of your shed then.
  17. Mrs BoD has just asked 'So who is prime minister now?' I don't think she's much interested in politics.
  18. BoD

    EBay madness

    He has kindly provided three photos though, so that you can make an informed decision.
  19. ..... And Dom doesn't ?? Actually, we have to assume Ian knows what he's talking about. He chose Sherry.
  20. Exactly. He said have a look round and decide on a plan for your filming. Plan? I think I would have been bored shirtless after 30 seconds.
  21. Congratulations Dom and Elise.
  22. I understand the back of a hippo can sometimes sound like a 25 pounder.
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