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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Would anyone notice if you did?
  2. A beautiful sunny day here too. The wind seems to have dropped a little, it was really wild yesterday. Off soon to do some revision with yr11 students for tomorrow's GCSE Maths second paper. Don't think I'll take them any orange sweets though.
  3. They were very nice, weren't they.
  4. They (the FAI) probably thought that was the best deal they could get. The threat of taking it to court worked and they saved themselves time and money by not going down that route. I can see how the 'ruling body' can punish a player retrospectively when an offence has been committed against another individual player and not seen by the referee but there is no way possible that they could adjudicate on something like this, that would involve changing the result of a match or rules of a competition. For one thing they couldn't possibly predict what would have happened in the remaining sixteen minutes. I'm not sure what the FAI wanted from the court case. Whatever, it would have set a very dangerous precedent.
  5. It's alright Tony. The family still has .... erm......Aditi.
  6. So you've signed a Fuchs up?
  7. Morning all. All seems to be going well thanks, DD. There is still an imbalance between the focus of the eyes until I can get new glasses - my old ones just don't work for the eye that was operated on. Having said that the cataract had become so bad that any lens the optician tried couldn't bring it into focus anyway. My other eye isn't bad enough to need the operation yet. Between them they can cope, sometimes I wear my old glasses other times not, but I do get occasional headaches as they fight each other for control. My eyes must have had quite a noticeable yellow cast because of the cataracts. This has gone from the right eye. This is a huge bonus as I was thinking that all the white doors and skirting boards in the house were starting to fade and could do with re-glossing. I'm going to get at least another year or two out of them.
  8. ..... but strange things can happen when cycling. I remember doing the Yorkshire Dales Cyclway when a bee (or wasp) flew into my mouth and stung my lip. I got the bu$$er back though, my reflex reaction bit it's head off.
  9. Sorry to hear all that Bill, but glad the grit has been found and your eye is sorted. Your sight is a most precious thing.
  10. Did a quick double take thereFor a fleeting moment I thought it was Roseberry Topping in North Yorkshire. Definitely a similar shape. I thought 'That's one heck of a ride Dave's done today'. Edit: left picture in but it didn't show. It was the second picture. Or click on th .jpg link thingy above Or just ignore my ramblings, I won't be offended.
  11. BoD

    EBay madness

    Shhh!! You will give Gostude ideas. I suppose it would make a change from Kit Built.
  12. I think in this instance you might be just giving Aditi a nudge in the right direction.
  13. BoD

    EBay madness

    Sorry Dave, I know it's disappointing but I think you might be overestimating the importance of fine scale models to ebay's sales values.
  14. I feel there must be more to come.... ......he's so pig headed he wouldn't have gone otherwise.
  15. Don't forget about the French spy that invaded Hartlepool in Napoleonic times.
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    I hit the funny button when what I really need is a 'shakes head in utter disbelief' button.
  17. I must be more laid back. I just want my son and daughter to be happy. So far ..........Touch wood.............
  18. Apparently there's an album of 'Scottish World Cup Anthems'. It must be a 78, then.
  19. The Internet in general and this place in particular is fantastic for making virtual friends - and very good friends too. However the majority are just that, virtual friends, and when something untoward happens we are not likely ever to find out. Sad but true.
  20. Sadly, I don't believe anybody will boycott anything. There will be a lot of 'holier than thou' huffing and puffing but then, as it is about each individual's power, status and money things will soon return to as they were before.
  21. Then if they solved the problem before it arose you must be imagining things. I would see a doctor if I were you.
  22. Probably best if you e-mailed their support team.
  23. In a world where in so many places sweetners and backhanders seem very much the way things are run or got done is it not us that are out of step?
  24. As long as it nothing like Steve McClaren's efforts.
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