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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Or someone has nicked their Xmas lights.
  2. To scare away selfish t*ssers in cars?
  3. Will it allow you to go globetrotting?
  4. You can opt out of Wales?That is good news.
  5. Nothing to do with the incident itself but that looks quite an unusual layout for the lights and what looks like a side road.
  6. Wearing the T-shirt as we speak. Tony, I have a feeling that should your neighbour decide to pick an argument with you or Aditi there would only be one winner. Enjoy your meal together when it eventually happens.
  7. <rant mode on> Letter from XYZ bank today to Mrs. BoD gist of which Dear Mrs Bod We are simplifying our savings range to make it easier for you to compare accounts. We will be making the following changes to your Cash ISA saver. Your interest rate will change from 1% to 0.25% Yours etc Yep, that sure simplifies things an awful lot. Bye bye. <rant mode off> XYZ - think dark equine.
  8. I thought fly tipping was illegal?
  9. Having had relatives in Edinburgh who were 'traditional' opticians I should be agreeing with you. However, both my recent referrals to the eye infirmary have been via a national optical company. Both referrals have proven both perceptive and timely. For which I am most grateful.
  10. Evening all Sitting with a glass of red ethanol contemplating the meaning of life. Have been to the eye infirmary today for the follow up to the op. They can't tell if the lens implant has bedded in or not. The internal eye pressure is 'sky high', these are the consultant's words, so I suspect this is a medical term. It was so high they wouldn't risk putting the dilatory drops in. So, I have even more, different drops, to put in and have to return in a week's time to see if they have had any effect and decide what's to be done next. You must think me an ungrateful sod compared to some on here, but it's bothering me. Just glad I can offload here.
  11. .... she hasn't just taken out a life insurance on you by any chance?
  12. I was at the dentists the other night. He did his usual plaque and sundry item removal It felt like a great unscrewing.
  13. If you read the report immediately underneath the one you have quoted then apparently the same thing has happened in America with almost exactly the same reply from the US Air Force. It then goes on to offer reasons why the whole thing was probably not true in the first place.
  14. He's Ok now that he's had the operation though.
  15. Looks like The Amazon will just have to wait.
  16. We are charming people too.
  17. I thought the five day test had finished. That was the only chance you had of getting some seen.
  18. I get the impression, Dom, that you have really found a job that you enjoy. A big plus for you and your employer and most importantly for your health and peace of mind. I'm pleased for you.
  19. I was commanded to help with shopping and I missed it. Should I be thankful for small mercies?
  20. BoD

    EBay madness

    'Savoy Tailors Guild Trousers " NOW REDUCED' It's been many a year since my trousers have been reduced.
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