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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Doesanybodyknowwhatthisbaralongthebottomofthekeyboarddoes?
  2. I invented a sandal for a one legged person. I think it might be a flop.
  3. Afternoon all Here continueth the rain. Another evening tidying and sorting beckons.
  4. Morning all Here continueth the rain. Another day tidying and sorting beckons. I've had quite a few 'I can't remember buying that' and 'what on earth did I buy that for' moments.
  5. Altogether now..... 'Twas on a Monday morning the gasman came to call ........
  6. That explains today's heavy rain then.
  7. Not necessarily - it may mean that books are like radio - the pictures are better.
  8. I understand that there is also talk of doing a re-make of All Creatures Great and Small. According to reports they are thinking of spicing it up a bit to attract an 'all-star' cast. Having greatly enjoyed the books and the TV series of the seventies and eighties, which IMHO captured the atmosphere of the books and the Yorkshire Dales superbly, I can't help but think that anything they will do will be a disappointment
  9. Well that's the paper read, crossword completed and Chess problem solved. Well' I've got to do something to keep stimulating the old grey cells. I see Glen Miller still hasn't landed either.
  10. Morning all A miserable, wet morning here. A good opportunity to retire to the loft to do some of the tidying up needed if the new layout is ever going to get started. Jock, yes, it was a typo in the paper leading to rather amusing mental images. Takes the idea of the angel's share a step too far.
  11. I know some here are partial to a dram of malt so some advice from The Times today - some of the best and rarest malts are bottles that come from single caskets.
  12. Afternoon all. Weekly shop done and packed away and now sitting outside with a coffee enjoying the sunshine before the dark clouds that are massing in the distance arrive. Peace is regularly disturbed by planes taking part in the Sunderland Air Show. The last one sounded like a quite powerful jet type. Have had a couple over with those twirly things on the front too. Sometimes we see them sometimes we don't. Apparently some of the turns are very good but frankly, when you've seen one plane you've seen them all. Those red ones that fly together in a flock and look as though they are going to crash into each other but don't are quite good I suppose.
  13. Interesting pictures of Skates, but how do they fit them? (I'm assuming that they somehow have to lift and immobilise the offending wheels)
  14. That is a fascinating route map, Dom. As all your photos show trams facing the same way I did wonder if there were turning loops at the end of every branch. Not only are they at the end of every branch but also on route too in some places. I'm guessing that some services don't always go all the way to the end of the line.
  15. There's a short topic about the mining museum here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/99746-threlkeld-quarry-mining-musuem/
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    And if it says Lima Italy on the bottom why claim the country of manufacture is UK. I'm guessing that it's someone who thinks 'it's a toy train so it must be Hornby'.
  17. I did at times but not always, but then I preferred a leisurely pootle along rather than anything serious.
  18. BoD

    EBay madness

    I wouldn't even bother with the due reverence.
  19. Doc, Will you split your post up so I can click. Like, Like, Agree, Supportive, Like, Jealous but not necessarily in that order.
  20. Be careful. I know someone who broke their wrist by not getting out of the quick releases quickly enough. Also reminds of the story of the motorcyclist who came to a halt at traffic lights and literally keeled over sideways. When people arrived to check him out and help he was laughing his head off. "That's the third time I've done that since I took the side car off" he said.
  21. it worked for Jenny Agutter. How many carry a red hanky around with them?
  22. Sorry Phil but half that number would be considered a luxury unless they had special needs. My last G.C.S.E group had 25 in it and lower down the school the classes had 30 or 31. Apropos of nothing in particular. I am eating some grapes and they are very nice but I thought, hang on, these taste of strawberries. It turns out that they are indeed strawberry flavoured grapes. It says so on the packet. A fact I missed. An interesting concept and I'm sure an exceptionally clever horticultural feat. But why? If I wanted something that tasted of strawberries I would have bought, erm, strawberries.
  23. Pleased to hear that your results were good Tony. If your Hornby 08 is anything like mine the sound will be on/off/on/off more than it is on. No matter how good the track.
  24. Discussions about different scales/gauges/standards/track etc etc. have been done to death elsewhere and often. I visit this topic to see the photographs of excellent models and just accept that in some the track will never look like the real thing. I can put up with that for the sake of this topic.
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