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Everything posted by BoD

  1. You forgot to mention 4x4 drivers, BMWs and cyclists. Watch this space.
  2. I've already seen a lake so will you do some of the surroundings too?
  3. Morning all Have a good holiday Tony and Aditi. Whatever will the college do when Aditi retires?
  4. Hope you and your good lady have a great trip Mike.
  5. You never know. He might well have an XXL knotted handkerchief.
  6. .......especially not with a woman.
  7. Don't you know anybody with an XXL ar$e you could ask? I'm sure they would appreciate your explanation as to why you were asking them in particular.
  8. Morning all Very pleasant this morning, sun is shining and it is quite warm. Have a good day.
  9. John (KB) You are blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the world. Thank you for sharing those pictures.
  10. Do you think that talking about Christmas beginning earlier this year is beginning earlier this year?
  11. BoD

    EBay madness

    I'm sure It won't be too long then before somebody tries to flog a photo of an empty box.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    I'm not disputing the figure but that seems quite a high proportion. I hadn't realised that 'collecting' was such a popular part of the hobby.
  13. Whilst you are thinking about northern accents here is a proper one. A girl goes to her hairdresser in Newcastle and asks for a perm. The hairdresser replies 'I wandered lonely as a cloud.....'
  14. We'll turn you into an Early Riser yet.
  15. ....... but I still don't think much of these new Virgin Train uniforms.
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    I guess this is a case of the whole not being greater than the sum of the parts.
  17. Glad that you are managing to keep your sense of humour DD. I suppose it's either that or........ Its always so difficult when you can remember the person as they once were.
  18. Congratulations to your good lady and yourself Ian Enjoy your meal
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    No surprise at all given some of their other recent offerings. Still, they are a business and if they sell ..........
  20. Or the litigation society hasn't reached Leipzig yet.
  21. I can't be the only one finding it amusing that the team that reached the Europa Cup through fair play have had three games and three red cards.
  22. Talking of which, we haven't had a latest update from our Swansea correspondent for a while.
  23. May I call upon the collective wisdom of ERs How should I safely dispose of a set of (very) sharp kitchen knives?
  24. Morning all. Clear blue skies here this morning. Not forecast to last though. The more I sort out the loft the untidier it is becoming. Is this normal?
  25. I read it, refreshed the page and it had gone up another two hundred or so. I'm not a particularly slow reader either. Morning all.
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