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Everything posted by BoD

  1. As you get older it's not always the weather that causes the wet patches.
  2. Papers read and puzzles solved. Weekly shop done and put away . Late breakfast (bacon and sausages in doorstop sandwich, since you asked). .....and still time to say Morning All
  3. Ooh look. Stewart's pressed send by mistake.
  4. Now I know why I don't read the finance pages. That and the fact I don't have any money.
  5. I wonder where the sub editor learned to write such slick headlines.
  6. Saw 85 today on the logs at Carlisle. It doesn't have make a racket. The rais themselves seemed to groaning in sympathy.
  7. I have seen Brockley Green a couple of times, the last at Hartlepool I believe. I didn't realise it was owned by a fellow ER. Whoever the new owner is, they have acquired themselves a damn good layout.
  8. Sadly (I fear) Dave hasn't been active on the site since 10th August so a PM is not going to reach him.
  9. Don't you have 10 days leave to take?
  10. That's a relief. I thought you had totally lost it. Too polite to comment of course.
  11. Morning all. Dry but quite windy here. Apart from Sunday night, we have managed to avoid the rain that others have been talking about. Another day in the loft beckons. At this stage of the holiday I would normally be well into planning for next term and my thoughts would be on returning to school. It is only now that the fact I have retired is starting to sink in. A sort of mild euphoria reigns.
  12. Dave (Torr Gifford) hasn't been active since 10th August and his last post seemed to indicate that all was going as well as could be expected. Have I missed something? I hope all is well.
  13. All Hawker Hunter jets have been temporarily grounded too Again, probably understandable until the circumstances are known.
  14. Afternoon all - and no, I haven't just joined the ranks of the risen. I was up early as usual and have been up to various things. I didn't know that not working could be so time consuming. I checked my email at lunchtime to discover that a parcel I am expecting is out for delivery today. It originally wasn't due until tomorrow so I hope I haven't missed it whilst pottering about or out walking this morning. Unfortunately it means I'm stuck in this afternoon waiting for the parcel. Still it is something I'm looking forward to. Two books, one about long lost distilleries and the other is one of the books full of railway poster art, this one being the Scottish region.
  15. I find that the number of compartment drawers needed increases in direct proportion to the square of the number already in use.
  16. She'll be able to cut your hair now.
  17. Morning all Difficult to be upbeat this morning but the storm of last night has passed, as all storms eventually must. This afternoon I think I will try and return to the loft after a couple of weeks away. I'm still looking for the floor. I wonder if I do some sort of critical path analysis/Gantt chart/ To do list, whether this would speed up or hinder the new layout progress.
  18. Another way to milk the fans then?
  19. Is there any good reason, other than the obvious 'cash generator', as to why teams these days wear their change strip when there is no clash and no need to do so?
  20. iD: whilst you're still thinking about your will, I wouldn't mind the rest of that sausage.
  21. Well, we did mange to break it. Delayed reaction, but break it we did. ...... and now Polly is having a go at it all on her own.
  22. BoD

    EBay madness

    I see that even the boxes are starting to come in rakes now. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WRENN-RAKE-OF-2-WAGON-BOXES-W4626P-W4310-/301716971146?hash=item463fbb9e8a
  23. I guess said firm must use windows for its security. Anyone had their details published yet?
  24. It was just a flippant remark. I don't for one minute think they use windows, do they?
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