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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all. Durham County Council wrote to me suggesting that I register for council tax e-billing and receive other communications via e-mail, citing the usual reasons; faster, saves paper, saves postage etc. Fair enough, indeed sounds like a good plan and I'm happy to save the paper, postage etc. I have just been online and registered. The final step says that they will post a letter to confirm that I will be receiving electronic communication. D'oh. To all those dealing with various trials and tribulations, medical or otherwise, I hope your situation improves or at least I wish you the strength to deal with them. To the rest, why are you reading this drivel? Go do some modelling.
  2. Good grief Jock, how much can one person/family put up with. You just don't deserve or need this. Our thoughts are with you.
  3. This is becoming a war of a Titian.
  4. Around here they are still in regular use. On rails. Grump, grump, grump ....... Morning all. I was undicided about whether to go to the small Darlington exhibition or not. If they are struggling for numbers I probably will. Have a good Sunday one and all.
  5. Thanks for the update re Mal, Rick. Sounds promising, thankfully.
  6. I went to Blackpool once. It was closed.
  7. Congratulations to Dick and Jule too.
  8. Morning all. Delighted to read some pieces of good news from Jock and Geoff. Thinking of Mal and Sherry. TG's computer is taking a long time to fix. Congratulations Ian H, a golden time and a very thoughtful sentiment in your post.
  9. Thou would think that they would have brought that feed up through the baseboard and soldered it to the bottom of the rail. Or at least buried it in the ballast.
  10. He'll be feeling cocky once he's found it. Well someone had to say it.
  11. I think people talking about Christmas getting earlier every year, is getting earlier every year.
  12. ..... it seems to be a prerequisite of the job these days. Some are better than others but most have it off to quite a fine degree when needed.
  13. BoD

    EBay madness

    Not just the carp ..... but the price. Unbelievable.
  14. Can I add ageing iron to the list of possible culprits. Ours tripped the trippy thing a couple of times when was turned on and or off. Replacement doesn't
  15. After this morning's ......... erm ....... 'disappearing posts' we get a post like this. That's more like what ERs is all about.
  16. At this rate we'll be able to go through the 100,000 barrier again. ERs had always been such a friendly place too. Such a shame.
  17. I have never had a phone call regarding claims for accidents (touch wood). What gets me are the ones who are happy to approach you in the street and ask if you have had an accident recently. My reply of "No, I have always looked like this" tends to flummox them.
  18. I blame Trisonic. Both for the word and most of the ruddy earworms I've suffered.
  19. I like this one on so many different levels.
  20. BoD

    EBay madness

    It says 'you are bidding for all what you can see in the picture'. Why are they including a pair of scissors? Emergency cutout?
  21. Wonder who he will blame/pick on/bully to deflect the flak this time.
  22. I Would have to go along with Two_Sugars on that one. Path or Peth are popular names for roads that lead out of the City, there's also Framwellgate Peth and Claypath to name two others. I was at Uni there but never heard of 'The Path'. It was always Peth apart from Claypath which was more likely to be known informally as the path. Mike, was at school in Durham City (there's a clue in his user name - 60860) and so may have heard of some other 'Path'. I would suggest it may be the local term or nickname but then that would hardly likely to be used in a formal address. Are there any other clues?
  23. Note to self: Do not power up shunting plank whilst you should be tidying up. Mind you, having RMWeb running in the background can be a bit of a time waster too.
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