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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Fine and sunny here as I went for my walk this morning. Clouding over a little now though. Tomorrow we are off to the Lake District for a few days for no reason other than we can. It will be the first time I have been away in school term time. I'm looking forward to it and I don't think it will be the last.
  2. Morning all Many happy returns Mick.
  3. Is it just me or has RMweb become a little hit and miss over the last fortnight or so? Is it a temporary thing or might we see another reincarnation?
  4. Afternoon all. Not a cloud in the sky so off I went for my walk thinking I will time my return to watch England's final overs slog fest in the one day international. That one didn't work did it.
  5. No flying today. I've been grounded on galley cleaning duty. Oh, sorry. Thought you said BoD. Actually given the weather outside I don't mind too much being grounded. Although housework wasn't supposed to be on the list. Rick. I do hope you gave said lady your undivided care and attention which, as a railway employee, it was your bounden duty so to do. Thoughts to all of those on the various stages of coping and recovering.
  6. I would avoid going via Denmark
  7. Flux capacitor? I thought it was a pair of Y fronts. No wonder there were sparks.
  8. I remember having a chemistry set. Or at least I did have one until I stained the dining room table purple.
  9. I think if I could get a bulb to light I would be quite happy. The only electronics I have ever done was that included in 'O' and 'A' Level Physics. Quite some time ago too. After that I concentrated on maths and programming. So I will be very much starting from scratch and taking it step by step. I have constructed the odd kit before but only in a solder this here and that there basis. It is something I always fancied getting into a bit deeper but never quite found the time.
  10. Afternoon all. Without mentioning anyone by name (because I'm bound to forget at least one) here's hoping that all ailments, sufferings and procedures are going as well as can be expected and hoped for. My thoughts are with all of you. For some reason, which I have yet to fathom out, I have bought an electronics experiment kit/lab. If you hear any unexpected pops or bangs, see any flashes and smoke, or notice any strange smells coming from this direction you know the cause.
  11. That was fantastic Dave. How can Is not get better amongst such friends.
  12. ....and Stewart.... Do as you are told, in this case they probably do know what is for the best.
  13. Here's hoping everything goes according to plan, Stewart. We'll be thinking of you.
  14. Good to see that you are still keeping an eye on us Debs. Look after yourself.
  15. Beige is the new magnolia.
  16. Carpets? CARPETS? When I were a lad..........
  17. Morning all Dull and grey here too. I don't have any instructions for today so after my walk I may be modelling, I may not. I may do some painting (watercolour not emulsion or gloss). I may not. Life's hard.
  18. I wonder if those ladies who don't change their names on getting married realise that they are really mucking up their offspring's Internet security.
  19. I wonder if that really is the last we've heard from Pete.
  20. Some really nice photos there, Dave. I really do envy you if that is your daily ride. Clockwise or anti-clockwise.
  21. Fantastic to see you back Dave. Best wishes to you and Is.
  22. There was an article on the BBC about this saying that many had made private donations to help those providing aid in the camps. I think the quoted fingure was about $900m or £600m. Probably about what one of them spent on a premier league football team. Still leaves your question begging an answer, but that may edge into the realms of poly ticks.
  23. I would like to hit the agree button but then you wouldn't know if I was agreeing with the sentiments about Jock or with Pete posting things that don't make sense.
  24. Are you taking your MIL. DD? Enjoy.
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