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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I watched his BT press conference live. It was embarrassing, but still, it kept him on the back pages which is, I guess, all that matters to him.
  2. I know you would have it no other way but Jayne is lucky to have such supportive friends as you and your good lady.
  3. BoD

    EBay madness

    Well, you can't argue with the description. It has definitely been ..... erm...... modified. Sadly it's typical of a few pieces of carp that this model shop is trying to dump on people. Still, it's a business and if they've acquired it they've got to try and offload it.
  4. It's not often you see the words Leeds United and principle in the same sentence.
  5. Our thoughts are with you Mal.
  6. I'm wondering who Naomi is and what she does to deserve having this named in her honour.
  7. As long as you don't get your nuts caught in the spring itself you should be ok.
  8. That is good news David Again, many thanks for providing our daily 'fix'
  9. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere.
  10. What is the view like from a 37? Quite limited I would guess. I really must make an effort to get in one and have a look for myself.
  11. Congratulations Dom. Here's wishing you success in your new career. Just a friendly bit of advice though. If they do call you in to cover someone ........ go by tram it's safer than a bike.
  12. There's goal celebrations and then there's........ http://metro.co.uk/2015/10/27/venezuelan-footballer-cesar-martinez-makes-ball-levitate-to-celebrate-goal-5465729/
  13. Best keep them away from your First Minister then.
  14. Yes, best wishes to Ian and Sherry and all other ER's who are suffering or undergoing various procedures.
  15. BoD

    EBay madness

    Blimey, another rivet counter.
  16. The easiest way to find the purse Mike is to cancel all the credit cards.
  17. Cue ear for 'I bet it's a scream' jokes.
  18. I'm sure Ann Summers would have something suitable.
  19. Morning all Looks dull outside so only a little lighter than it was at this time on Saturday. Still, only a few weeks until the shortest one and then the whole cycle begins again. I hope we all see a good few more of these cycles. Mal, hope today is the start of a successful process and the whole thing goes as well as it can. You only have to look to Jock and others on here for inspiration. Have a great week one and all
  20. Do tell her that her shoes need no longer be 'flat and sensible'.
  21. I'm in attendance today too. If you could both wear a red carnation I'll make a point of saying 'blimey' and moving quickly to the other end of the building. Morning all.
  22. I suppose it is too early for Aditi to decide how she is feeling about retirement. It will sink in at some point, probably when she is doing something she enjoys that is totally disconnected with her old work. She will realise that she is 'free' to do that whenever she wants without the thought of work lingering in the background (or more often than not, large in the foreground). Funnily enough I felt guilty the other day. I was reading the paper, having an extra cup of coffee and thinking about doing the things that I enjoy doing and when I want to do them. I thought, this is not right, not fair, I shouldn't be able to do this and feel so good about it. That has happened a few times recently. Enjoy your weekend whatever you are up to.
  23. Looks like I've joined the ranks of the nocturnals. Just a touch of indigestion but enough to be uncomfortable when lying flat. I will give the recliner a go, see if I can sleep more upright.
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