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Everything posted by BoD

  1. One of the first things we did in September was to have a few days away midweek. Just because we could. And it would be relatively quiet.
  2. Understood it perfectly............. until I got to Step 1.
  3. I have an LP of his somewhere signed 'Sorry for rabbiting on, Warren' I'm enjoying the reminiscing going on here. It is bringing back some fond memories. It's amazing how things happen too. I last saw Dick Gaughan, many, many years ago at the Durham City Folk Festival. For various reasons since then, I have fallen by the wayside as far as live folk goes. This year Mrs BoD and I were doing the touristy thing around Scotland and we stopped in Strathpeffer for a couple of nights. On the first night he was playing a concert at the Pavillion there.
  4. What makes you think it was one of us?
  5. There was an article about this in one of the papers this morning.* Apparently, the advent of the Internet, social media and selfies have greatly reduced the inspiration and appreciation of monuments, artwork and beauty spots. People are increasingly visiting them just to turn their backs on them. *other papers are available.
  6. Yes, the last few pages seem to have been saddled with a mane theme. At least they have managed to stirrup a bit laughter.
  7. I watched Stoke V Chelsea and realise why Mourinho likes Costa so much. It's because he is as obnoxious as Mourinho himself. Sorry to any genuine Chelsea fans on here but you have to draw the line somewhere and their gamesmanship goes way beyond the acceptable. < runs for cover >
  8. No, I think it was Broncitus.
  9. Nice one Dick. Does anyone know the name of Robert the Bruce's horse?
  10. It was just 'Poultry in Motion'
  11. Not sure what the numbers mean but that sounds like good news Chris. Glad to hear it. We have a firm of butcher's round here called Gelder. They make a big thing on the side of their vans of 'Gelder's pies'. They don't actually say what is in the pies. Mrs BoD and daughter have headed off to London for the weekend to see some show or other and do some shopping. Now, what shall I do...... Have a good weekend.
  12. Don't forget to wear your enigmatic smiles.
  13. I can sometimes feel like that after a long day.
  14. Many happy returns to Aditi. Enjoy your trip to Paris. One last pair of turnouts to finish today and then the fun can begin. A trip to the timber place and lots of blood and cursing will be the order for next week. Have a good day.
  15. Have to agree about that old shed. Very atmospheric. Is there an ABC book for Leipzig trams? I'm sure we will be able to tick them all off before Dom's finished.
  16. I was going to click like until I read the last few words.
  17. Oh, for Pete's sake, will you stop doing that...... er ........ Pete.
  18. I think it is in the terms of the franchise that they are obliged to offer so many cheap advanced tickets per train. So the TOCs are not doing this by choice, except perhaps on some trains that are always 'quiet'. I also understand that they have to offer so many at a relatively low price, then so many more in a price band above that and then above that again. You could look and see a cheap price one day, go back the next and the price has risen because the number allocated at the lower price have been sold. If you are looking for Advance tickets it is better to book them as soon as they become available (12 weeks in advance I think) or as far in advance as you can.
  19. A few years ago one of the more obscure satellite channels ran a series about the different Swiss Railways and their journeys. I know it would have been filmed to make them look good but ....... they did look good. A visit is on the to do list. After the glorious sunshine of yesterday, today is not quite misty but it is still murksome and a few degrees cooler to boot. Still, a walk is enjoyable ar anytime. Take care one and all.
  20. That is a bit of a bombshell Simon. I sincerely do hope that you are right and it has been caught early. There will be plenty of support and help here and elsewhere. Personally I'm looking forrward to reports of the layout's construction.
  21. Sorry to read about those fog or cockwomble bound. When I went out this morning there was fog to the west, south and out to sea.... ...... but you know what they say about the sun and the righteous. For those interested in boaty type things. You wouldn't think it possible to fit a ship of this size .... Through a gap this size..... ..... but it does fit. Except when the pilot misses, which has happened on more than one occasion.
  22. Let's discuss different scales, track gauges and standards first.
  23. Morning all I hope I don't upset too many of you but clear blue skies here and quite warm again. I'm a little late going for my morning constitutional this morning. For the past few weeks my son has been working away from home so I have been collecting his dog each day and taking him with me. Today I think I will head along the cliff tops in Twa Sugar's direction. A pleasant walk with the occasional glimpse of trains too.
  24. We have had beautiful blue skies all day. Not a bit of fog. Unseasonably warm too.
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