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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Me too They must expect us to shear the sheep between us.
  2. I get the impression Dave that between you, you and Is, will come through all of this stronger and closer. My thoughts will be with her and you over the coming week.
  3. Is it just me or is the site running slow and throwing an occasional wobbler again tonight?
  4. I see that you are a tram now Dom rather than a loco. I have always wanted to be a tank engine.
  5. The sky is grey and cloudy, no breaks, so there is no sunset as such but the clouds, the light, everywhere has a strange pink tinge. I've never see anything like it before. It's weird. Edit: It only lasted for a few moments too. Not long enough to get the camera out although I doubt if the camera would have captured just how strange it was.
  6. Good morning all. Many happy returns Bob. It is very wet outside again. I'm afraid that these days I am a fair weather walker and so will just have to spend another day finalising the layout plan. Yesterday saw some boards set up in the correct position and the turnouts and straight track laid out so I could get an overall impression. There is a bit more space to play with than I thought so I could if I wanted extend the platform to fit another coach or two or increase the scenic approaches. Next step will be to order some wood and make it permanent. That's three layouts I will have on the go. On two the track work is finished and I add scenery as and when but at least they give me something to shunt while I work on the third, a larger roundy roundy design where I can just watch trains go by if I want. Completing all three will see me well into my dotage - which was the plan anyway. And if that doesn't bring Debs running, nothing will. Hope she is ok.
  7. So this is the simplified version of Eastwood Town?
  8. Well if Picasso could have a blue period ...........
  9. AndrewC: Your situation this morning must have been very* frustrating and you have my sympathy but...... ..... I didn't half have a good chuckle at your description of it. * other levels of frustration are available
  10. Morning all. Jock, whatever gave you the impression that I don't enjoy going Christmas shopping? Well at least it's done for another year. I do notice though, that according to the clutter of e-mails I received this morning today is called Cyber Monday. Have a good day.
  11. Was there anything that Dr Johnson did like? I wonder how he would have found Warley. ......or shopping malls.
  12. Morning all Sitting having a coffee in that hell hole of a festering armpit that is the metro centre. The calm belfore the storm that is my yearly xmas shop. Oh how I loathe and detest it. There are people queueing to take selfies in front of the Xmas trees. What's that all about? None of AndrewC's descriptions do them justice. The shops are just starting to open for 'browsing'. People are queueing for that too. Bolleaux. It's going to be a long, long morning. I may be able to look back in when I get back home I may be being held in cells on a charge of manslaughter due to deminished responsibility.
  13. Great feat, no getting away from it, but I'm pleased you qualified it and said PL record. The way some people go on you would think football didn't exist before 1992, or whenever it was they decided to give the top flight of football a different name.
  14. BoD

    EBay madness

    Don't be so facetious .... ....... the second photograph is much clearer.
  15. Don't worry DD. Apparently Black Friday has been extended until after Christmas. I have never been to Warley and like you hope that people do have an enjoyable time. However, I don't think I have ever read of anyone actually saying that they have enjoyed it. It seems to be an annual whinge fest with people queueing up to say how awful it is, for what seems to be an endless list of reasons. I wonder why people go if it's the unpleasant ordeal that so many claim it is. Perhaps railway modellers just like a good moan.
  16. I did wonder about posting this in the creative section and bluffing it out but decided to just own up about not checking the settings after using the camera in manual exposure mode.
  17. Morning all. Looks dull outside so I think I might try and do some work on my low level structure today.
  18. You forget that mice are merely the protrusion into our dimension of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings who ordered the building of the super computer known as Earth. It's quite possible that they had Mars built as a backup.
  19. Energy company incompetence final (I hope) part. Following Jock's suggestion, I e-mailed the company's managing director. I received an e-mail from the executive office yesterday informing me someone would look into my issues. Today someone from the same office phoned and the issues have been solved to my satisfaction. Apparently there are flaws in their processes and they have stopped merging any further accounts until this has ben rectified. Thanks Jock and others who offered suggestions. Thinking back now, I seem to recall DD suggesting to someone else a similar approach to a problem with a different company a good while ago.
  20. Makes a change from hanging up your Christmas stockings. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-34919381
  21. ....... of the week after.
  22. Apple? Rock bottom prices?
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