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Everything posted by BoD

  1. The only bits I remember are Sam's.
  2. Well you have, single handedly kept them in business these last ten years.
  3. I went to a timber merchant today instead of one of the DIY 'supermarkets'. My first time. What a pleasant experience. It involved a walk into the timber yard with my list which a most helpful assistant made up for me in the best way he could, using long lengths of timber or lengths he had already taken cuts from, and so minimising waste. They will cut it to various lengths for me before delivery. Back to the office and I was only charged for the actual length of timber bought. Makes a huge change from having to buy it in packs of pre-cut lengths. I reckon it worked out at about half the price too and for better quality stuff.
  4. Just back from the timber merchant. Ouch, expensive. I remember the days when wood just grew on trees.
  5. Can never find the ruddy things though.
  6. It's a measure of the esteem in which your posts are held. Either that or people just click funny every time they see you.
  7. Very impressive Dave. Are you making the adjustments yourself or are they auto adjustments within the software that you are using?
  8. Great photos again David, thanks. They aren't my preferred era but there is something quite delicious about 60’s in Load Haul livery.
  9. I see people have started to display that worst of human traits, kicking people when they are down. Isn't it great.
  10. I think the worst day of my life (so far) was when I was called from my class to the headmaster's office and was told 'It's nothing to worry about, but....... '. As it turned out my daughter, then just a few months old had been rushed to hospital with breathing problems and what appeared to be collapsed lungs. Obviously not being there I had to be told the story. She had been staying with my mum as we were both at work when suddenly she went all limp and struggled to breath. Mum panicked, and not knowing what to do phoned for a taxi and took her to our GPs. Apparently when they went into the surgery alarm bells rang, they were took straight to a consulting room and the GPs who were on duty called from their patients. (I guess today they would have given her an appointment for a fortnight come Thursday). The GPs immediately called for an ambulance and sent her to hospital. At some point on the journey the ambulance crew told my mum, 'don't worry but we are going to turn on the siren and put the blue lights on'. Goodness only knows how she felt, or how I would have felt if I were there. When I arrived my daughter was just lying there like a limp rag doll. I honestly feared the worst. Anyway, after a few days in hospital, all was fine again and it was put down to just one of those things. She is now a healthy bouncing twenty eight year old who it was my great pleasure to see married earlier this year. I'm sure, Jock, that in twenty or so years time you will be posting a similar story.
  11. What would be the point of a Man U. fan going on holiday to the south coast anyway?
  12. And they are still affecting you. It was DD who commented.
  13. Yes, I can see that now, Due to the angle in the original photo it looked as though it could have been a second whistle alongside the ... erm .. whistle.
  14. I was just about to say..... Boom,boom,boom,boom, Esso Blue.
  15. The other loco seems to have more than one 'chime' too.
  16. I thought it was something like that. I was guessing an electric fan or something. You learn something new everyday. Thanks.
  17. I love that second photo Neil. Photoshop those cables out and you have a classic. Photoshopping the driver out of the others would be an improvement too. Hope the aches and pains soon disappear.
  18. At Steve Job's funeral they couldn't find the grave that had been dug for him. ........ until some one found a plank of wood with Slide to Unlock written on it.
  19. Morning all. Not plagiarism but, I remember a story from uni days, probably apocryphal, about the student in a sociology exam whose mind just gave up the ghost and went blank. He looked out of the window for inspiration and saw a removal van. His exam paper was littered with 'Pickford said......', 'According to Pickford....' and 'Pickford's research showed.......' History does not record whether he passed or not. Being a sociology paper, my guess is that he did.
  20. Shush!!! You are giving away what he has bought her for Christmas.
  21. Donald Trump has decided to pull out of Scotland altogether after he was told that there is a whole area called Mullah Kintyre.
  22. You can't even see the join. Just like his hair.
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