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Everything posted by BoD

  1. That's good news. Ha'way the lads.
  2. Evening all. First reports from the consultant was the the surgery itself went very well so it looks as though all of your kind thoughts have worked. For that, many thanks. It wasn't an unpleasant experience and once they' d started with th laser, a quite fetching shade of green, the effect was quite relaxing. In truth the worst part oncez the local anaesthetic had started to work was the quite heavy cloth that was placed over the face. Goodness knows how those poor people who are tortured in this way feel. Much more unpleasant was having to lie face down for two and a half hours after the operation. I must be one of the first to start developing bedsores on my nose. Now I can lie on my side, fifty minutes on one side, a ten minute break, and then fifty minutes on the other side. This goes on for a week. After that time will tell how successful it has been. We ar looking at 4 to 6 weeks for the gas which holds the retina in place to diffuse. On the downside I don't think much of their bespoke tailor. Those white socks have ruddy great holes where the big toe pokes through Good health and rest to others in need of either.
  3. My old man has only one eye too. But I can't see out of it. Seriously though folks, thanks for all the positive thoughts and good wishes. As others have already found, this is a great place for friendship and support and your thoughts do make a difference.
  4. Clare Balding then. It will be interesting to see how the cars manage all those hurdles and the water jump.
  5. Back home Edit: Strange goings on. When I posted the next post the majority of this post disappeared. Hope I haven't broken RMweb again. The gist of it was that, when I saw the consultant she found that the tear has become a detached retina. So, a more complex operation than was originally planned is now tomorrow. As I live relatively close to the hospital I don't need to stay overnight but to be there at 7:30 in the morning. The other thing to report was that I was chuffed to be measured for the white stockings. I've never had bespoke tailoring before now.
  6. If the club can, now is the time to strengthen. Players will want to come. At the end of January you will know what the clubs' ambitions really are.
  7. I think the term you are looking for is 'Oh sh1t'
  8. I've never seen or heard that Christmas song, but I was reading through the first verse for some reason my mind put it to the tune of Fairytale of New York by the Pogues. Seems fitting somehow. I'm off to the hospital shortly. Thank you for the good wishes.
  9. Last time i stayed in hospital I was eight years old and had my adenoids removed. I don't think the pyjamas I wore fit me anymore.
  10. I read that as 'off to Stockton' and was about to say it isn't that cold up here. The reason I misread it is probably that I have just returned from A&E at the local eye infirmary. I have had a shadow and blurred vision in one eye for a couple of days. My sister, a practice nurse, and BiL, a GP, visited today and they wouldn't leave until I promised to go. Just as well, as it turns out that I have a couple of tears in the retina and fluid has got behind. They were going to keep me in overnight but decided to admit me in the morning for surgery tomorrow afternoon. I've got to take an overnight bag for a stay. I don't know for how long this will be, hopefully not too long, perhaps not at all, I don't know. I guess that depends on what happens tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed that we have caught it in time. Very minor compared to other worries here but a bit of an embuggerance nevertheless. Merry Xmas? Bah Humbug!
  11. When Sunderland (I know, but someone has to) were promoted in 1999 we were 2nd at Christmas. Had we beaten Man U we would have been top but we drew 2-2, Paul Scholes having being tripped by a sprinkler head leading to their second goal. We challenged for Europe for the rest of the season but finished seventh. The small squad and the intensity of the style of play eventually took its toll. I sincerely hope Leicester last the course, but.......
  12. For the voluntary work part of my Duke of Edinburgh award I worked at the local lifeboat station. It was mostly menial tasks, keeping things clean and such like but as a treat, at the end of my 'stint' I was allowed on board for a launch down the ramp and a ride. That was over 40 years ago. I learned to respect the crew and what they did. I think there was one paid member, the cox or whatever, and the rest were people from the local community. One of the vivid memories from my childhood was hearing the 'maroons' going off knowing that the local butcher and others would be running to the lifeboat station. I can, only just, remember what we call the lifeboat disaster, when the crew was lost. They had been called out to rescue the crew of a fishing coble. It was a vile night and they had successfully got the crew on board and were returning. Between the piers, and within site of safety, they hit the bar and the lifeboat overturned. The lifeboat crew and all but one of the crew of the fishing boat were lost. The lifeboat station is long gone, covered by other boats, but the lifeboat involved has been restored and returned and us on display. There are still members of the community who lost loved ones that night.
  13. BoD

    EBay madness

    Well it would reflect..... ...... it's a mirror.
  14. I'm about to start my baseboards and I'm not sure if the last batch of photographs inspires or discourages me. Clever stuff Mr S. I don't think I'll take any photographs until I've done something to disguise my baseboards.* * I did originally type carpentry but that would be an insult to carpenters everywhere.
  15. .... which means that they are getting payed obscene amounts to pick and choose when and how they perform. I bet at least one has the gall to say we did it for Mourinho too. Which begs the question why they didn't do it before he was sacked. I'm guessing it's complex but if not for the manager then at least for the crowds and their own professional pride. Spoiled brats.
  16. J914 - you've slipped in another photograph of a model haven't you.
  17. And easily one of the best. Good news indeed, Jock.
  18. ... Don't buy her one. See what happens.
  19. Dave, hope things pick up soon for you and Is.
  20. I've never stood on a lady's front wings. I imagine it would be difficult to keep one's balance.
  21. I'm sure that would have been a most useful feature given some of the situations Aditi had to deal with at college.
  22. Did you put your winter tyres on? That would explain the clement temperatures.
  23. I was a sheep. You can help with mine if you like.
  24. You wouldn't believe what went on behind closed doors.
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