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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Like everyone else I'm blown away by the service. Ordered yesterday afternoon at a price with which I am more than happy. Great communication and parcel has just arrived. South Africa 51 - 7. Doesn't get much better really.
  2. Morning all. Light smattering of snow this morning. Not enough to cover a Hobbit's toes though. Living near the coast has its advantages. There can be vey little here, yet if I go even just half a mile inland there could be a few inches. Being an attentive husband I did clear snow and scrape the windows on the car earlier so Mrs BoD could go to work. Whilst she is out earning I'm waiting for a parcel from Fraggle Rock.
  3. I have been to see the consultant at the eye infirmary today. The op has worked and the retina is making very good progress. They don't need to see me for another six weeks. It's just a matter of time now and waiting to see what my vision is like as it slowly returns. That apparently can take as long as a few months, although I am pleasantly surprised at what I can already see above the gas bubble. Again, it's looking good. I can slowly and carefully resume normal activity. The consultant was quite impressed when I said I used to walk five or more miles every day. There is also that huge pile of wood I had delivered shortly before Xmas that is waiting to be turned into baseboards. All the good wishes and prayers I have had sent my way, many of them from here, seem to have done the trick.
  4. I'm pleased about that as I'm going that way on the Friday. Isn't that going to cause major headaches?
  5. ...... the first version sounds feasible to me.
  6. Top tip no 658: If you are using noise cancelling headphones don't forget to take your hearing aids out first. I'd bet even Pete couldn't replicate the weird feedback I've just had.
  7. ........ Then there's that awful moment when you realised that you are up to frame 48 on a 36 roll.
  8. Morning all Thanks for your words of encouragement Jock, what a star you are. I seemed to have a maudlin sort of day yesterday. Not being able to get out for my daily walk or do anything really constructive Is so frustrating. Still, I am catching up on some reading and am determined to get back into the swing of things asap. While I was typing, the radio news announced that David Bowie has died. There's a big, influential part of my youth gone. R.I.P
  9. I think the Out if Stock message may prove a bit of a stumbling block. Unless that means you have just bought the last.
  10. Update: A very pleasant evening meal with family. Now up to Nov 23rd.
  11. Morning all. Update on twe sugar's post: it's started raining again. This enforced inactivity after the op is starting to cheese me off. Gas bubble is nearly half way down my eye and like Happy H said it is quite fun to play with..... but the novelty does wear off after a while. I guess if you lpermanently live semi submerged in a mud hole you get used to it. The advice I was given was to rest until the eye has healed. I'm not sure how long it means by this. Any suggestions HH? As it is, I'm not risking anything until at least I've been back to the consultant which is this Thursday. Some vision is returning but I can't judge how well because the vision is affected by the fact that the lens was displaced anyway. For me, the off-white emulsions will just have to wait. Normally it would be a great opportunity to paint or do some modelling but seeing in just 2D makes this somewhat difficult. Lots of people have got used to having the use of just one eye and adapt but I'm guessing it would take longer than a week and a half. I'm sure (hoping) that it won't come to this for me. Still, this is a minor thing compared to what others are going through, both here and in the big world outside ERs. Enjoy what is left of your weekend.
  12. Upon reflection, I think the new guidelines on alcohol intake are sensible. I have decided to try to limit myself to the equivalent of one small drink a day I'm up to Nov 16th already.
  13. Dropped Clangers? I don't think he even caught them in the first place.
  14. Oh Ed. So Sorry We lost our first baby after only a few weeks in the womb and I still remember the feeling of desolation it brought to the whole family. We grew to accept that it was nature's way of saying it's not time yet. We went on to have a beautiful baby girl who, last year, gave me my proudest moment when I gave her away on her wedding day.
  15. Sorry to hear of your problems Andrew. You must be due a good year soon. It's the law of averages.
  16. Dry January?It's peed down every bloomin' day so far.
  17. A fit of pique from M. Toure? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/35267662 Talented but a bad sport?
  18. Our local rag has started the same. I wonder if it's a campaign by the proprietors. I think they are the same ones, JP, I believe you have made use of their rail travel token special offers in the past, as have I. Probably used the same four generic pictures on the front page too. Any one else's local rag going thus? A decision regarding Christmas presents. Do I read a historical treatise on the social implications of the closure of Whisky distilleries in the early 20th century or The Broons annual.
  19. A bit .... .... but nursey still needs to pass the tissues.
  20. Didn't stay open for very long. Trees across the line now, apparently. I think it's fair to say that it hasn't been a good winter so far.
  21. Just as every class had its own 'Little Johnny' does every area also have it's own 'Grey Lady'. She is supposed to haunt an old tower not far from here. Hope things go well today Jock, Tony and any one else I have missed.
  22. ..... and whether or not you are going to need a bigger handle for it.
  23. You tow her to hospital?
  24. But you were much kinder than I was.
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