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Everything posted by BoD

  1. It's looking promising, thanks. The gas bubble is still present but only covering about one fifth of the eye. I tried some modelling, but when I look down through the gas bubble I lose focus and 3D vision so it wasn't very successful. However, I have high hopes that it won't be too long before I'm up and running again as above the bubble vision is quickly returning to normal. Not quite there yet but still it's early days. When they did my cataract I was over the moon that I could start using my camera properly again. Today, I gave that a go too. If I dial in the biggest correction available into the viewfinder then I managed that quite well, although I was relying on its autofocus which fortunately is very good. Again as it is still early days and things should improve I'm happy with the way things are going.
  2. According to Speedtest by Ookla I am getting 74.9 download and 18.9 upload. Sounds pretty good to me - but how reliable are these test sites?
  3. It also includes upper and lower case.
  4. Quote from the BBC Tips on surviving a snowstorm: 1.Make sure you have at least three gallons of drinking water per person, per day 2.Tape the windows with bubble wrap to keep the heat in 3.Use your dog to measure the snowfall What happens if you have a chihuahua? Some pollock is being paid to write that In other news: Someone believes that they have washed that 33m lottery ticket in their jeans.
  5. BoD

    EBay madness

    Ah, but they obviously do know what they are talking about..... ..... they tell us that there is a wooden block inside the grey wagon.
  6. Hang a little cat bell over the middle of each track. Much more sophisticated than Phill's 'Bang'.
  7. And very good for the diet too ..... ...... unless they'd had one of those hernia ops too, in which case very filling.
  8. There was a topic on the old version of the site with some excellent plans. You may find some ideas there. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=24472
  9. Go on, computerise and automate the whole lot. You know you want to.
  10. At one point we were going to get the opposite - a lot of snow because of El Niño. Sort of get the impression that they didnt really know what was going to happen.
  11. I do wish that someone would just present me with the facts rather than than the scaremongering hyperbole (from both sides) that inevitably appears when Europe is mentioned. In that way I might be able to make an informed decision. Anyway, that's touching on poly ticks so we must quickly run in the opposite direction. Posts this morning brought back fond memories of ice slides the full length of the playground in primary school. I'm sure there will be others who don't have such fond memories. I'd guess that they are totally banned these days.
  12. Saw that and thought 'say nowt or you will get into trouble'.
  13. I walked along the shores of Buttermere when it was like that. Once.
  14. Haven't heard from DD for a couple of days. Hope all is well up the hill and with the in laws.
  15. I don't know if it's exactly the same problem as yours (sounds very similar) but there's a possible CV based fix in the DCC Questions section.
  16. If you council is anything like ours I hope your credit card is well topped up.
  17. You aren't Pam Ayres by any chance, are you?
  18. So did I. Well, not actually when I was little but as a student. We used trays from the refectory as sledges. Extra points were earned by wiping out those pretentious gits on skis wearing the full clobber. Happy days.
  19. Torchy the Battery Boy and Mr McGoo Weren't they only on at Xmas or other holidays though. Or is my memory playing tricks?
  20. To say nothing of the sort of trouble you could get into if you were caught muffin the mule.
  21. I can do a wonderful impression of Spotty dog's walk.
  22. Each week they take the pile of tinnies away and label them Castlemaine XXXX
  23. Normally when I cook it's limited to boiling, grilling or roasting. Occasionally a casserole in the slow cooker. All plain, nothing fancy. Tonight I thought I would push the boat out and try something a bit fancy............ in a jus, no less. I'm just off to the local takeaway. Be back soon.
  24. At least England are doing well. What an afternoon session.
  25. Instead of taking the mains directly to the pump why don't you lake the live wire to the pond, cut it, bare the ends and fix them near the surface of the water. That way if the water level falls below the wires the pump will stop and your fish will be saved. Just a game? Pah!!
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