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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Why are some modellers rude and insulting to fellow modellers? I just don't get it. It's a hobby and common interest for goodness sake. We all have our own 'specialities' and varying levels of ability and expectations. Live and let live.
  2. I used the theme from Tales of the Riverbank for that trick. Good to see you and your weather back.
  3. Pete (Trisonic) was active yesterday morning so perhaps he or his connection are starting to thaw out a bit.
  4. All of their vehicles will be fitted with satnav.
  5. I hate cleaning the cooker. Just thought I'd let you know.
  6. Morning all. Unspecified pottering? I like that idea. I think I'll give it a go.
  7. In many years of driving I think I have only ever seen a handful of drivers with no lights, and they were quickly flashed at by other drivers and realised their mistake. If there has been an increase I wonder if it is related to the appearance of the automatic setting on headlights and some people just assume that they are on.
  8. You mean Fort William aren't bottom?
  9. Apparently Apple have a server that feeds Safari with suggestions as you type into the search bar. Today they have botched it up and as soon as you click on the search bar safari crashes. This 'feature' can be turned off and speeds up the program too. I know other search engines are available and will probably switch but I wonder just how many other unwanted things they are forcing upon me. They really do deserve to lose the sales that they have been doing recently.
  10. I understand that when Jonas reaches us he will become Gertrude. Well it is apparently all the rage these days.
  11. You are probably right, Tony. False economy and all that.
  12. We rewired less than two years ago so everything is newly certified and we still find these supposedly longer life bulbs do blow. Strangely though it is very variable. We have the same type of fitting -four bulbs in a row in the kitchen - one bulb from the batch hasn't been replaced at all, others from the same batch bought at the same time have been replaced at least once. We have a table lamp with a candle shaped bulb but with a halogen envelope inside that. Bought a pack of four bulbs the first two lasted a couple of weeks the third has been in over a year. Strange.
  13. I see hundreds are now claiming to have bought and mislaid or damaged the missing winning lottery ticket. It must be like that scene form Spartacus. I'm sure a few may genuinely believe they did have the winner. The rest are just contemptible liars.
  14. Morning all I have never filled in a tax return. Is this something I should add to my bucket list?
  15. I'm sure there's a logical explaination somewhere.
  16. And here was me thinking my eye was getting better.
  17. Gosh. What were the rest?
  18. Dom: did you ever find out what you did to break your tram the other night?
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    It must be good though................ there's a bus on the over bridge. Seriously though, it's obviously built as a permanent construction, in and between the roof trusses, how are you expected to remove that through a loft hatch? Edit: Kevin beat me to it.
  20. P.s. Can you get rid of those paper fan things that everyone waves about. They make a worse ruddy noise than Vuvuzelas.
  21. But, goodness, how far have you come to be even thinking along those lines? I'm sure I'm not the only 'Non-Leicester' fan to wish you well.
  22. Only to be used on heavy industrial applcations and not light wood worked construction.
  23. I'm sure the dogs suffer more than the bitches depending on the depth of the snow.
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