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Everything posted by BoD

  1. My IQ is low enough as it is. Don't want nobody extracting any more of it, like.
  2. Or: Klopp: Why the miserable face Dean? Sturridge: Because boss, my names Daniel and you keep calling me fricking Dean.
  3. If it wasn't for small and medium radius points many of us wouldn't have our 'train sets'. Should we accept that anything we do without perfect scale track work and geometry is inaccurate and just pack in now?
  4. I know. I put a treble on.
  5. Well, whoever's fault it is, to place an order on an afternoon and not get it until just before noon the next day is an appalling service.
  6. Not just the neutral. I think any football supporter, apart from those who think their team have a 'right' to European football, will be enjoying this.
  7. I think of him more as the Laughing Cavalier.
  8. No, obviously they haven't.
  9. So that's how AndrewC comes up with his wonderfully descriptive epithets.
  10. That is quite worrying Toni. I bet Aditi is upset too. Let's hope it was just a one off event rather than something more worrying or a return of an epileptic fit. As for feeling useless, it will be frustrating that you are not there and can't do more, every parent feels the same, but you have given Matthew a wonderful start in life and now he is starting to make the most if it.
  11. Great news. Here's wishing you success and hoping that everything that you want to do comes to fruition.
  12. Happy anniversary Joanna and Jock. Good luck for your interview tomorrow ID. (It is tomorrow isn't it?) The rest of you will just have to be content with a generic Good Morning.
  13. R-a-R The Rookhope incline is a reet booger on a pushbike. Passed the old derelict buildings near the top once when there was a mist down. Something quite eerie and haunting about them. Full of old memories and with a hundred tales to tell, mostly sad ones I would guess. Have you had a cuppa in the old Parkhead station cafe?
  14. .... and that has cheered us all up.
  15. Has nobody told Leicester that they aren't supposed to do this?
  16. P.s. If anyone does want any help with the maths homeworks I'm just a PM away and my rates are very reasonable.
  17. Whilst it is important to effect the verbalization of concepts through the utilization of unsophisticated terminology it is equally essential that the teaching and learning objectives and outcomes are not compromised by terminological inexactitudes.
  18. Are they still trying to crush the mattress?
  19. If you look at the top left of someone's profile it tells you when they were last active. Pete was last active at 10:12 yesterday. That may mean just logged in rather than posting. Along similar lines, it is year tomorrow since Trev was last active.
  20. Now is the time to stop digging that hole DD.
  21. ..... or a married man.
  22. Not directly to do with fear of escalators but an interesting message non the less. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VrSUe_m19FY
  23. How will they manage Melrose? It would have made sense to take the current new line that little bit further to there if it had been at all feasible.
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