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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Ruddy daffodils for tea again. Pah!
  2. Someone in their status entry also mentioned rote learning some French paragraphs too. For an oral test I suppose. They all get their Grade Cs. The school moves up the league tables. Governments say standards are improving. We have the best education system in the world, no? Edit: See also the last sentence in John's post, #115412 above.
  3. ...... and still looking 35 (or whatever it was).
  4. Morning all All manicured and made up, off to Glasgow, for model rail Scotland. Just packing my rucksack now. I wonder what VT''s East Coast breakfast is like. Will take photos of the show in the anticipation of showing Jock soon.
  5. Very surprised she wasn't hit by a drone along with everything else that's gone on.
  6. Afternoon all. I've had a quick skim and hope I haven't missed anything important. Really good to see a post from Debs. Just waiting and hoping for Jock now. ChrisF's posts always manage to raise a chuckle. Trouble is I'm not sure if they are meant too or not. Had appointment with consultant. Vision is very good, I managed to work that bit out for myself, but more importantly it's official, the retina has reattached really well. Just a fairly straightforward op sometime in the next couple of weeks to try to correct displaced lens. Our NHS has its problems and detractors but there's a hell of a lot that's good about it too. In other news, have built some baseboards, haven't drank any beer, solved any of Dom's quizzes or been delayed on or by a train. Off up to Glasgow tomorrow morning so that might all change.
  7. Mrs Queen has got the whole line. The rest of us have to know our station in life.
  8. You will, of course, need two or three to operate the shed as you watch the trains go by.
  9. You may need to be careful with your wiring. You have a reverse loop in there.
  10. I'm a bit like that too, Gordon. I read an article about this somewhere. I will try to remember where and dig it out. I'm sure one of your other esteemed readers will be able to shed (sorry) light on this. Perhaps if your main aim is to watch the mainline trains go by it may not be necessary to get this exactly spot on.
  11. If I play my country music backwards will my dog return from the dead and my wife come running back to me?
  12. Looking at the shed Gordon, it might be an idea for you to think about what a loco needs to do and in what order. Will the track layout you have and the intended position of your 'facilities' make this a simple process or a series of complex movements. Just a thought.
  13. As ever out thoughts are with you Jock. Even more so now.
  14. In the same way you have always got suppositories I would think.
  15. I meant reduced options in the sense that I was thinking about using the tokens to go to Carlisle when there were a couple of steam charters due. That may not happen. Another option was the S&C. Almost certain to be closed for a good while. As i used October's tokens to do the Cumbrian Coast it looks like the Esk Valley may be due a revisit. It is a hidden gem of a line with the option of calling off at the North Yorks Moors Railway (if it is open) or going on to Whitby for fish and chips. Decisions, decisions, eh?
  16. Said in a very squeaky voice?
  17. Good grief, not again. What happened this time? I would look elsewhere but topics like that seemed to get locked down pretty quickly. I have my two Johnson Press/Northern Rail tokens ready and waiting but my options seem to be growing fewer by the day.
  18. Afternoon all Thoughts are with those undergoing maintenance and repairs, best wishes to everyone else. I have successfully completed some work on the baseboards. Not much though. I find woodworking difficult these days. Since I started wearing hearing aids I have nowhere to put the pencil.
  19. One or two members of RMweb enjoy stirring for hours and hours.
  20. Morning all. Sad news, Gordon. Give my condolences to J. It's snowing here and has been, on and off, most of the night. The temperature has gone up so it is mostly slushy now. I suspect it will be deeper and more snow like if I were to go even a short distance inland. I am about to go up into the loft and clear a space so that I can start baseboard construction. I bought the necessary timber last year, not long before the retina went pop. I intend to take it slowly at first but hope to get started on the woodworking soon.
  21. I'm going on the Friday.
  22. Might it be possible that the hobby and associated businesses are in terminal decline and this is just a casualty of that. <Runs for cover. >
  23. I put myself into a self induced trance. It's a way to transcend dental medication.
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