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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Ian(A): threads like the one you mention usually say all that can usefully be said within the first half dozen or so pages. Sometimes fewer. After that I refer you to AndrewC's post above.
  2. We should be hung, drawn and quoted.
  3. I think I've cottoned on as to what is going on here.
  4. BoD

    EBay madness

    You could describe it as 'Kit Built' and charge thirty.
  5. I think they should just stick to home grown talent. I'm sure everyone would appreciate someone like Robbie Coal Train.
  6. Do be careful. I genuinely believe that the op to reattach my retina was a success because I followed the advice of the consultant (and some on here) to the letter. It can be frustrating, I know, but it is worth it in the long run.
  7. BoD

    EBay madness

    Don't books usually include something along the lines of 'Not to be resold in any form or under any cover other that the original......'? Or has that been proven to be unenforceable legally.
  8. Today seems to have been about 'What Katie Did' and 'What Katie Did Next'.
  9. Orinoco Flo? I always preferred Brazil Lil.
  10. Morning all. It's peeing down and dark. Heading down to York soon. May have to stop off for a breakfast on the way. Watching model railways can be hard work you know.
  11. Please tell me I've misread that.
  12. No, there is now a hide option in which you have to offer the moderators a reason for wanting to hide your post. Perhaps another example of the majority having to suffer for the malfeasance of a few.
  13. Wouldn't she prefer just a stroke.
  14. I wouldn't like to be totally coxless though.
  15. Your whelkpickers are singing a sad lament even at the thought of it.
  16. Good to see that Jock is awake enough to be reading and rating posts.
  17. Reading all of this reminded of, many years ago, in the Scouts we had what were known as 'Scout wide games'. We used to split into two teams, disappear into the local woods and throw 'bangers' at each other. I seem to remember one team had to defend a rocket in a bottle the other had to set it off. There weren't many other rules. I wonder if they still do this today?
  18. Don't worry. Hodgson will bring all the old crocks back in for the Euro finals. I can see it now. Rooney injured, England playing rubbish but eke out a draw against the bottom team in the group. They need a win, the press saying all will be well when Rooney is fit. Rooney returns and England........ are still crap. Sound familiar? By I'm a curmudgeonly old git aren't I?
  19. So, you've thrown in the trowel already?
  20. Evening all. After my daily constitutional, another day pottering I had, in my infinite wisdom, decided that my latest, and probably last, layout would be fully manually controlled, semi, or fully computer automated. I'm beginning to regret this decision. My thoughts are with everyone here, whatever their state of disrepair.
  21. No problem. I had thought about putting it in there originally but it seemed full of only pleasant photos. not the red in tooth and claw sort.
  22. Exciting happenings at chez BoD this afternoon. Those of a squeamish disposition and lovers of small birds may want to look the other way. I was up in the loft pottering when Mrs BoD came running to the bottom of the stairs in a state of semi panic, yelling "There's something eating something in the yard" What on earth has she been on I wondered, as you do. She was insistent that I came quickly to see. We live in a terraced house with a fairly small yard so I didn't really have a clue what to expect. I certainly wasn't expecting to see a bird of prey feasting on the one of the local pigeons. It was in no particular hurry so I managed to grab my camera. The pictures were not that good as they were taken through a window but the bird was only a few feet away. Certainly not what you would expect in your small back yard. It's taking some clearing up too, feathers all over the place. Any idea what it is? My best guess is a Sparrow Hawk
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