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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Be careful. A statement like that could get you banned from every University campus in the country.
  2. No the wonder we haven't heard the Alzheimer's joke yet.
  3. It was last ...... Erm .......
  4. Has anyone else told the Alzheimer's joke yet.
  5. I knew that was coming.
  6. Is your bath yellow too?
  7. Morning all More tryping and less work. Well at least I moved some things around this morning, all in the name of tidying up. It doesn't look any tidier. Sunshine here with the occasional April (heavy) shower. My thoughts are, as ever, with those who need them. C'mon Jock. Keep fighting.
  8. Morning all I'm not fiddling with little electric things which must not be mentioned but am trying to build things on which to run these unmentionables - and becoming very frustrated over lack of progress. Actually I'm doing neither because I'm tryping on here. Which may go some way to explain the lack of progress I suppose.
  9. Safely back from the big city. (I'm sure Sean Connery has the correct pronunciation of city). Fortunately, thanks to my daughter, I had a good notion of what was required and so got away with visiting just two emporia which was a great blessing. I did however pop into Waterstones which seemed an oasis of civilised tranquility amongst all the <insert appropriate AndrewC-ism here>. The rest of the day will involve a gentle, aimless, pottering to facilitate recovery.
  10. And even if Leicester fade and fail to win the title, which I sincerely hope they don't, he still deserves all the accolades going for what he has done and giving us a most interesting season. Even those fans of the 'big' clubs with inflated feelings of self entitlement wouldn't disagree. Or would they?
  11. Morning all It is Mrs BoD's birthday this coming weekend and so I am forced to venture to the big city to facilitate the purchasing of suitable offerings. My cup of misery overfloweth.
  12. They don't call me Boris.
  13. I love a good thunderstorm.
  14. Shall we inundate them, by all placing an order at the same time, to see if we can get one that doesn't actually arrive the next day.
  15. I think every game from now on in is going to 'squeaky bum time' for their supporters though.
  16. You really do have to feel a wee bit sorry for Spurs. In any other year, most people, except for fans of 'the usual suspects', would be happy to see them win the title. If they win it this year it will probably be one of the most unpopular wins ever.
  17. D&L DandL DaL Nope, don't get it.
  18. Best go fetch gun pooder then.
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    By, those Stobart Scanias can't half shift.
  20. What happens when the clock goes back? Do the trains come to a halt for an hour until the catch up again? Baz; Did you find Geordie's penka when you were up the cundie?
  21. I'll let you work out which bit I clicked agree to.
  22. Ah, so that explains that old Spanish ditty: Vice is nice but !ncest is best.
  23. You are using it upside down.
  24. An early form of Viagra?
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