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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all. Back from hospital. Amazing, really amazing. Arrived at 7:30. I wasn't admitted to ward as last time but taken to the day case unit. Op was booked for 9am. They started giving me anaesthetic drops at 8:15 and I was on a trolley by 8:45. Consultant spoke to me and got me to sign on dotted line. I was wheeled into theatre, sensors etc fitted, cannula put in back of hand and more low level anaesthetic given via same. The anaesthetist administered a needle with a local to my eye, I didn't feel anything but it doesn't look good seeing it heading down. Operation done, out into rest area and coffee given (not intravenously) by 10am. I was given prescription drops, they phoned me a taxi and got me home by 10:40. The worst part is the heavy drape they tape over your face and the removal of it and the sensors. They were all really wonderful. I have to wear an eye pad* for the rest of the day and then one of those plastic shields at night for a few nights. I'm waiting for the local to wear off, then it will be up to a month before my vision returns if all goes to plan. No vigorous activity or heavy lifting to be done. The nurse said I could class housework as too vigorous if I wanted. Modelling and driving are probably off the menu until 3D vision returns. I have a lot to be thankful for. * other makes of computers and tablets are available.
  2. Well he has got Aston Villa correct.
  3. Afternoon all. You may recall that, when they fixed my detached retina, the lens was displaced and a further op is needed to correct this. I got a call from the eye infirmary this afternoon and, due to a cancellation, the op is tomorrow morning. I should be back in circulation fairly quickly but until then, play nicely. See you soon, hopefully.
  4. Oh blast. Lovely day here and I was just about to head for the hills when the workmen (I've checked, there are no workpeople there) turned up to start fettling the flat roof on the extension. Not totally unexpected, I did ask them after all, but they don't need interior access and so gave only an approximate date. Well they said they didn't need interior access. I hope they don't make their own. Intentionally or otherwise. Those of a nervous disposition may wish to look the other way now. Ah well, will just have to do some more modelling.
  5. He has been charged with misconduct so there may well be more than just a one game ban in the offing.
  6. I'm always amazed by the number of cars parked outside weightwatchers/slimming world meetings too.
  7. Evening all. Quite a busy day here too. Up at 6. Read some of paper. Spoons breakfast for no particular reason other than I fancied an F.E.B. Visited and spent some time with 'me mam' on her 85th birthday. Went to watch Newcastle Falcons virtually ensure premiership rugby next season. Now enjoying a glass of red and reading the rest of the paper. Today has been a good day. Hope yours has too.
  8. ....and if you hang around for long enough someone may even wish you good night.
  9. The remaining collapses occur when golf playing, model railway enthusiasts are underneath.
  10. Don't worry Gordon. It looks as if it will only crush the passenger side. Pass my best wishes on to J.
  11. Snowing here too. Just showers but thick flakes, not just sleet. Morning all.
  12. Hang on. I'll just check my blackberry.
  13. I may have been looking the other way.
  14. So glad you managed to allow a modicum of sympathy in amongst your uncontrolled chortling.
  15. Evening all So, I've spent another day around and under baseboards, mainly wiring, quite safely, without any mishaps. Then I go and rip my finger open on the cutting edge on a soddin' box of clingfilm. Stop laughing you lot.
  16. Good to have you back Polly.
  17. You could cheer Sarah up and maintain domestic peace by telling her that Forest could still be relegated.
  18. I'm sure they will have found a way of only allowing the 'big' teams to play in it before then.
  19. Afternoon all. Grey but dry here. Not for long, however, is the forecast. As good an excuse as any to head back to the loft. Entry to one side of the fiddle yard completed. Connecting up electrickery bits and testing with a loco next step. Still no collateral damage.
  20. I suspect that if you click on the link - which is what some people tend to do - then it will take you to a rogue page that could download a nasty to your computer.
  21. I hope you stamped and addressed it appropriately.
  22. The first point has been laid. Just saying. No fingers were sliced or heads cut open in the making of this post.
  23. BoD

    EBay madness

    My daughter bought me one of those for Christmas one year. I sure she tried her best and so I pretended to be over the moon with it. It may still be in the loft somewhere. I must dig it out and sell it.
  24. What is it about us Brits? We have beautiful scenery, a fantastic coastline and seaside. We go there to enjoy them..... ..... and leave our litter.
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