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Everything posted by BoD

  1. He'll cross that bridge when he comes to it.
  2. 5.4 5.6 5.5 5.8 5.4 5.5
  3. Average manager who is good at motivating and getting best from average players. Sounds like a good choice to me.
  4. Will the refs apply this though. They didn't use the idea of moving a free kick 10yds when it involved a yellow card too. I gues for fear of issuing too many cards. It seems quite a few of those a very subjective. That could lead to problems. I hope they do apply this stringently but consistently and fairly. If there are a handful of sending offs early in the season so be it. I'm sure the players will learn.
  5. One shouldn't laugh at the misfortune of others but when you read the headline and look at the first photo ....... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-36833814
  6. Apparently, according to independent monitors, there have been major BT outages this morning. As usual they aren't prepared to admit to it or give any details.
  7. Morning all Strange things are happening to my internet connection. Many sites are working (I'm posting here for eg) but others just hang or are intermittent. The BBC just isn't working at all and I can't stream my radio. I hope it's not a fault at my end.
  8. Happy birthday Baz Anyone know what the melting point of human is?
  9. BoD

    EBay madness

    3rd picture of the set near the bottom of the listing.
  10. Tony: I must have missed you saying where you were going whilst I was away but have a good time anyway.
  11. 200 years time? I wonder how many pages we will be up to.
  12. I just don't believe you.
  13. That must have been the one that gave a reporter a lift from the airport and when asked if he was going to the game replied "Yes, I've got to. I'm playing ......."
  14. England's footballing achievements 1967 to current day.
  15. Morning all. Daily chores done. Today it was the bathroom's turn. Tomorrow will be the kitchen and the oven. Thursday and Friday will be something else and then the whole cycle begins again. Like Stewart I'm wondering if I was better off working. Then again perhaps not, as now I can turn my mind to a leisurely lunch and the rest of the day should be mine.
  16. Oops. Forgot to name them. You are correct about Portpatrick and the cutting. It is quite a deep cutting and there is a path between it and the cliffs. Perfectly safe but you can feel quite exposed with shear drops on both sides. The first one was Kenmare in Kerry, SW Ireland. Great place, fantastic scenery, wonderful people.
  17. Ok. Thanks for the warning. If you look closely you definitely CAN'T see the route of the old railway in my second photo.
  18. Talking of views from hotels, this was ours a couple of weeks ago: and then last week; In the second one you can just about spot the route that the old railway took up until 1950.
  19. Morning all It's raining. I suppose that will be an excuse, after a period of non-activity, to get up into the loft and assess next steps on the layout. I think more timber may be needed.
  20. Sadly, in this modern era, a lot of teams try to win competitions like this by not losing rather than by winning. Could just save everyone's time by going straight to the penalties.
  21. Exciting game, isn't it?
  22. I find that dungferret has a certain piquancy whilst tadgerworm always gives a good degree of satisfaction.
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