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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Yes, it always pays to check the tide times...... nothing simpler .........
  2. I had planned to post here but then the
  3. That would have done his Optima Passes Completed stats no good whatsoever. He should have passed it square along the back four.
  4. Doesn't he have his own tweeter account?
  5. BoD

    EBay madness

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-Class-20-25-37-47-Snowploughs-Hornby-Class-31-50-73-OO-Gauge-DCC-Sound-/252478968307?hash=item3ac8eb51f3:g:khsAAOSwARZXmhB9 DCC sound? I suppose it would be too much to ask eBay to take some sort of control over the cr@p the sellers put in their descriptions.
  6. Now they might be worth hearing.
  7. Mine never got past Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall. Perhaps that explains why I am useless on the guitar.
  8. Sometimes I wonder if there's a small chance, perhaps, that our premier league isn't quite as good as they keep telling us it is.
  9. I think I will have to leave that one blank.
  10. BoD

    EBay madness

    He says 'I have professionally weathered...' Wonder how much he paid himself.
  11. I thought skies on Mull were always that colour.
  12. I was just thinking that I could manage that but then I remember some of the more 'interesting' roads we usually end up on when on holiday and I'm not so sure.
  13. So apart from being pretty, she enjoys a decent ale too. You are a lucky chap.
  14. So you are trying to tell us the Quantock Gold Ale was theirs?
  15. I often wonder why caravans are given names such as; Sprite, Tornado, Whirlwind, Buccaneer.
  16. Morning all. I often rely on a Sat Nav for the last few miles when in unknown territory but always consult a paper map for the journey. I prefer to know the bigger picture. I looked at motor homes or camper vans or whatever you want to call them, quite liking the idea. However when I did some calculation and worked out the number of nights stay at a hotel one could have for the price of a decent, newish one the idea became less attractive.
  17. I think publicly admitting to doing it might be a bigger mistake.
  18. I think you will find it quite close to the petrol filler cap.
  19. 'petrol into the water tank' That must have been one heck of a d'oh moment when they realised what they had done. I now have a mental picture of your typical crook, no bag marked swag but striped jumper, mask and swung over the shoulder a butterfly net full of drones.
  20. They will probably be out of the paddling pool by then.
  21. In one morning paper recently there was a photo is some ...... erm ...... young students in Utrecht trying to keep cool in a paddling pool in the street. If I were in Matthew's position I don't think I would be hurrying to get back.
  22. I believe they head there because that is where the ferries park up. Seriously, yes there are other routes but I guess that, under normal circumstances, this is the shortest, quickest and most convenient route for huge swathes of the population.
  23. And the rest are just plain awful.
  24. Great to see you back, Jam.
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