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Everything posted by BoD

  1. What did you do to have them name a pub after you?
  2. You can always live in hope.
  3. Many happy returns to this point in our solar orbit, Tony.
  4. Next you'll be telling me that he was in the same class as Richard Head. (We've all had a few of those).
  5. DD once modelled a pub called the 'Yew Anchor'. I think he may have made up the name though.
  6. And, more importantly, is it yellow?
  7. Then your drill bit must have one hell of a bend in it.
  8. Yellow? There's a surprise!
  9. I don't think we have heard from John - Two Sugars for a while. Hope all is well just a few miles south of me.
  10. I don't know about anyone else but we have flyers pushed through the door on an almost daily basis. Today we had two offerings. One was from a newly opened Pizza/Kebab take away shop. The second was offering free sessions from Slimmer's World. I'm easily confused at the best of times but this really got me.
  11. Studio flat? Capitalist landlord to estate agent in less than a day.
  12. Don't forget, Wicks is a DIY emporium. I'm all for paying someone else to do it for me.
  13. This business of now only having to scroll two thirds down RMweb to reach wheeltappers rather than all the way to the bottom is really upsetting my routines.
  14. Good morning. Is it still tomorrow or is it today now?
  15. Good grief. It's tomorrow.
  16. Evening all. It rained most of the day but got out really nice in the late afternoon so we decided on an early evening walk. The pubs and coffee shops along the seafront and harbour were heaving. No work tomorrow for many I guess. Managed to find a seat to have a coffee and some lemon drizzle cake. Only because it counts towards my five portions a day, you understand. Just back and it is still warm, the garden lights are starting to do what garden lights do, so now sitting al fresco with a good book, some soothing music and a glass of the red stuff. What a pleasant way to spend a Sunday evening.
  17. I like it. Must try and remember it.
  18. East Durham: it is raining.
  19. I have been working on the signals for my new layout and was quite pleased with them ...... until I took some photos and looked at them more closely. Some tidying up to do but thankfully mainly cosmetic. Anyway, while she isn't looking..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aqjX9g8DFo&feature=youtu.be
  20. We have some strange ideas on how to run the country in this country.
  21. Welcome back Dave. Good to see Railsquid and the Squidlet back too.
  22. A deep philosophical question for you to ponder. Are headphones getting bigger or are plonkers heads getting smaller?
  23. That's in awfully bad taste. It's terrible. I haven't laughed so much for a long time.
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