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Everything posted by BoD

  1. ....... and she hadn't touched his model railway in the loft.
  2. Boris on holiday is he? Well someone had to say it.
  3. BoD

    EBay madness

    You mean it's not mint in box?
  4. Bet they haven't dropped it and broke it.
  5. How inconsiderate of them to leave it there.
  6. My brother-in-law, a good friend and well respected G.P. is undergoing an eight hour op today to remove various tumours and other rotten bits if his anatomy. This may prolong his life a little. We are hoping that it will ease his suffering. Nobody deserves this. He certainly doesn't.
  7. This is, of course, all hippothetical.
  8. Evening all. Back from the wanderings and musings. Even managed to find time to do a couple of watercolour sketches. Only a shortish low level walk today. The scenery is often more beautiful from lower levels and lakesides than it is from the high tops. I am now sitting enjoying a slice or two of Bryson's Lakeland Plumbread.
  9. Evening all. I have been wandering, not quite as lonely as a cloud, and am boogered. Buttermere and Haystacks for those who know the area. Repaired to the local town for the evening to enjoy some local ales. Sitting watching the world go by there are times I wish I were forty years younger. Now back in hotel with maps thinking about tomorrow.
  10. Morning all I will definitely be POETing today as I have just packed thrown some togs into a bag and will shortly be setting off across to the Lake District for a couple of days to wander lonely as a cloud.. I intend to have a slow drive across enjoying the scenic route up Weardale. May even be forced to stop for breakfast at some point.
  11. Bet that gets up your nose.
  12. I wouldn't dream of looking to see how many 'likes' I have received. 25598, since you ask.
  13. Look after yourself Baz. Hope the treatment clears it up quickly.
  14. Afternoon all 'Tis warm. The chimney that looked fine when I made it last night looks like the spire of that church in Chesterfield this morning. Ah, well. Back to the drawing board.
  15. Glad to hear your good news, Mick.
  16. Morning all It was sunny but has clouded over. Mrs BoD is off to the chiropodist to have her claws clipped. I may just continue with the signal box. Scratch building is time consuming but I'm finding it very enjoyable.
  17. BoD

    EBay madness

    The 37 is a bit too yellow but otherwise not bad.
  18. ... and I'm building a signal box. because I retired from it all a year ago and I can. Life's good.
  19. Wales is covered by a rain cloud the size of Wales. Morning all. Hopefully today I will visit the small(ish) exhibition at Darlington. The club there used to put on a great exhibition but a few years ago had to cancel at the last minute due to heavy snow in early December. I understand that it hit them hard financially. Last year they started again with a small exhibition at the old North Road railway station, now a museum. They are doing the same again this year - well worth supporting.
  20. Yes...........well.............
  21. I stole my chicken She lays poached eggs.
  22. It's probably a converted farmhouse in a valley. I once knew a Miss Barton. She would have made a very good principal farmhouse.
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