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Everything posted by BoD

  1. One I particularly liked; These haemorrhoids are a pain in the neck.
  2. Apart from the cabinet, the patch panels, the hubs and switches, the cables and the drives that looks exactly like my setup.
  3. Evening all I had an enjoyable day at Ormesby Hall. The model of Corfe Castle is exceptional - and all the work of one man who donated it to the National Trust. I managed to recognise Baz from his photo so we had a bit chat. It is always nice to meet the people who's company you enjoy online.
  4. ........ it's not really Thomas. ..... is it?
  5. Morning all Today I am off to a National Trust property which just happens to have a permanent model railway. It isn't too far away, yet I haven't visited despite being having been a member for some time.* They are holding an 'open day' where, apart from seeing the layouts, you can meet the modellers responsible for them. Given the age profile of NT members I don't think the layouts will be in the loft. I suspect this is the same event that Baz and Two Sugars are attending. Have a good Sunday if you are able. Enjoy the ring of Kerry, Tony. The advice is to go anti-clockwise unless you are just heading out to the lakes. *something which I am reconsidering given recent events in Borrowdale.
  6. Wear a red carnation so I can recognise you.
  7. We did the Ring of Kerry and Dingle peninsula earlier this year. Really looking forward to going back before too long.
  8. I don't think Debs is quite herself. Hopefully she will soon be fully recovered and a normal service will be resumed.
  9. Evening all. (Am I allowed to say that on ERs?) I have spent most of the last couple of days trying to find a paint match for West Highland stations without much success. I have also purchased some tickets for an event for Mrs BoD and daughter. The rogues charged me an extra fee for the privilege of printing the tickets out myself. I just don't believe it - but I have no option other than paying stupid postage prices. The bins don't have to go out until Tuesday so I can relax tonight. Have a great time in Cork, Tony.
  10. And that's only because they are close relatives.
  11. It was the 'again' bit that made me chuckle. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-37481251
  12. The Telegraph isn't exactly a noted red top is it? Allardyce (or his agent) were negotiating a business deal which he might or might not have agreed to at some point. He said he would have to clear it with the FA who were likely to veto it anyway. He made some comments in private which just about everyone outside the F.A have already made and agree with. He was wrong to mock Roy Hodgson's impediment but it was done in private (and has been done on more than one occasion here). He discussed third party rules, disagreeing with them and saying how they are worked around, something that everyone in football is aware of. Without seeing the whole interview or transcript how do we know that he hadn't said he wouldn't do it or it was wrong. He probably didn't but we don't know. The only reason that we are a laughing stock abroad is that, for some reason, our media and the FA insist, hypocritically that the English manager be a moral angel. We were told that we were all ashamed that a previous manager bonked a secretary. Elsewhere the reaction was "yeh, so what". It could be argued that he did nothing wrong and certainly nothing that, in the real world, would merit dismissal or leaving by mutual consent (for which, read mutual sacking).
  13. My daughter signed me up to Facebook last week as she wanted me to see some photos she had uploaded. I think I'm starting to get the hang of things. It started showing me people that I might know. The frightening thing is that I do know them. Big brother or what? You will all be very relieved to hear that I don't know any of you.
  14. BoD

    EBay madness

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MAINLINE-MODEL-No-XX-LMS-ROYAL-SCOT-CLASS-6P-4-6-0-MANCHESTER-REGIMENT-CODE-3/400901899078?_trksid=p2047675.c100012.m1985&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D39273%26meid%3D7178ae775e2a48e4a26cbff94b55688c%26pid%3D100012%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D19%26sd%3D222254260107 4-6-0 ??
  15. Has anyone with a similar problem tried using artist's fixative spray? I was wondering how to protect a 'printed slate roof'
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    I wonder which one he took out of the box to photograph.
  17. ..... that's because Openreach always tell you the theoretical maximum, not necessarily what you will actually get.
  18. Some of them are going for quite silly money but only if they are from the first batch with serial number beginning AA01. Apparently note AA01 000001 was presented to Mrs Queen. Wonder if she'll put it on eBay.
  19. His eyes must have been perfect first time round though. You can slip the fiver in the post later, Sherry.
  20. Being able to click like or craftsmanship/clever is totally inadequate.
  21. Following the recent change in the base rate we are cutting the interest rate on your savings account. Well you did say it was Talk like a Pirate Day.
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