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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. An excellent show. Well done to all concerned.
  2. Back from an eye infirmary check up. There is no change which is good news. They have moved me to a six month checkup rather than the previous three monthly visit. Must get the layout finished whilst I'm winning.
  3. It was only about five years ago that I flew for the first time. It was in an aeroplane.
  4. I am sure there is great pleasure to be had from reading timetables, using them to plan and rescue journeys if not whole travel holidays and perhaps reminisce over them at a later date. I use ordnance survey maps and often read them dreamily on winter evenings. Like the timetables I would be devastated if the printed version of maps disappeared altogether. ERs is a great place for supportive posts but also posts not meant to be derogatory, just part of the light banter that takes place on ERs. Both are supportive in their own way.
  5. 133465? Good grief. That's nearly as many pages as there are in the timetable.
  6. I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear that. I shall be able to get some sleep this weekend after all.
  7. According to the DVLA website the charges are £14 online and £17 by post but free after the age of 70.
  8. I wish your font size had moved up to 7mm with you.
  9. The fee was probably not a DVLA fee but their own (optional) fee for checking over your form or filling it in for you. They offered to check our passport renewal applications when we put it through them. We decided to take up the option thinking better for them to find any errors there and then rather than having the form returned from the passport office. Only when we looked at the small print on the receipt did we notice that they said that they wouldn't be responsible for any errors if the form was returned. No need to ask why I needed to check it.
  10. Which one is Matthew? Seriously though, having followed his various trials and tribulations via ERs, it is great to see him doing so well.
  11. BoD

    EBay madness

    Does anyone else remember the Two Ronnies' answering the question before last sketch?
  12. As it's ERs we are talking about everyone should whistle , 'Morning has Broken' or 'Early One Morning' or, just to annoy Trisonic anything by Tony Orlando and Dawn. Got you! Now you're all humming 'Tie a yellow ribbon.....'
  13. Very accurate indeed. Their tracking system tells my what number I am in the delivery sequence and which delivery the driver is up to. There is an E.T.A. and a map showing my and the van's locations. At the last check, it showed the van at the end of the road, but it wasn't exactly accurate as the van pulled up as I was checking. Impressive.
  14. Afternoon all. I am waiting for a parcel to delivered by DPD. Their notification and tracking system looks to be very good. I should, within the next 45 minutes or so, be able to tell you if it is accurate.
  15. How can you say it's exquisite, it's not yellow.
  16. ...............No, it is way down South.
  17. keep going and soon you will be Ruler of the Queen's Nay..veee......
  18. Sorry to hear about your brother, Ian.
  19. Why don't you just say that you built a model railway together? If you are talking about pork pies from the butchers just round the corner at the top of the Main Street opposite the church in Skipton then, yes, definitely stop. If it's from anywhere else then you can make up your own mind.
  20. We have praised steak occasionally.
  21. As for suppliers, Mainly Trains used to stock just about anything you would ever need but sadly cut back and now have, I understand stopped trading.
  22. Good news. It means you can get half cut.
  23. I once knew a Welsh girl with 36 DDs.
  24. For nearly a week now I have striven, spectacularly unsuccessfully, to find, or to mix, a particular shade of green paint required for a project of mine. I have just noticed that the jar of white spirit that I have used for cleaning brushes after each failed experiment is now a perfect colour match for what I want.
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