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Everything posted by BoD

  1. BoD

    EBay madness

    It has a certain WTF about it don't you think. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/009Guage-3d-Printed-Triangular-Body-Chassis-styled-on-a-famous-Swiss-Choc-Bar/142167053101?_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982&_trkparms=aid%3D888007%26algo%3DDISC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D38661%26meid%3D25d2ea78228d4eaaa6da1d42bb7818ea%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26sd%3D322297482781
  2. Enjoyed seeing the layout 'in the flesh'. It certainly seemed to be sparking plenty of interest.
  3. A) Looking forward to seeing some of your locos stretch their legs. B) would you recommend tartare sauce or a simple squeeze ol lemon for battered haddock.
  4. ........ that and arranging to have an embarrassing number of empty debenture seats directly opposite the cameras.
  5. BoD

    EBay madness

    So why were you searching Facebook for something like that?
  6. Mrs BoD made the sprout soup. Mrs BoD tasted the sprout soup. Mrs BoD threw the sprout soup away. I could have saved her a lot of time and effort but would she listen?
  7. Well if they can plumb solar panels in I don't see why they can't connect a pipe to....... ........on second thoughts, perhaps not.
  8. Mrs BoD is making, and I kid you not, brussel sprout soup. Despite the temperature I have opened lots of windows.
  9. One of my favourite journeys was made during the time that 37s 'topped and tailed' on the Settle and Carlisle line. On one occasion one of the 37s failed (37411 I think) and was left off. 37408 had to run around at Carlisle. The run up to Ais Gill was music to the ears.
  10. Madame Tussauds is preparing a new waxwork of Mr Trump. I can't quite put my finger on it but to me it looks like they are missing something. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/11/09/21/3A36022E00000578-3921662-image-m-80_1478727737184.jpg
  11. A highways agency warning said anyone travelling in icy conditions should take a shovel, blankets, sleeping bag, extra clothing, including a scarf, hat, gloves, 24 hour supply of food and drink, de-icer, rock salt, torch, safety triangle, tow rope, petrol can, first aid kit and jump leads. I looked a right pillock on the train this morning...
  12. So the Beach Boys were right all along.
  13. All of this fuss in the news just to bury the Toblerone story.
  14. I think we'll have to get Max Headroom onto this one.
  15. If the minimum is 6'3'' and the maximum 8ft perhaps it's an arch. Or on a slope.
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    Perhaps 'Near Mint' was the colour he used. You know, a bit like 'Prize Plum'.
  17. The guy who invented the USB socket died too. They lowered his coffin into the grave but had to take it out and turn it upside down before it would fit.
  18. So as you enjoy your extra hours sleep this weekend spare a thought for the English Heritage volunteers working through the night to move stone circles back an hour.
  19. 3mm beak to tail? In 4mm scale? That would make them huge tits.
  20. Not that many points really when you have to divide them by four.
  21. I'll not go there then if they can't take a picture of me and my shadow. The lens probably wouldn't be wide angle enough anyway. .
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